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Posts posted by seeh2o

  1. I have to agree with everyone here, get her to a veterinary ophthalmologist. I thought Carl had Pannus, took him to our regular vet (a very decent vet) who also thought it was Pannus. When he wasn't responding to treatment like I thought he should, I requested a referral. It turns out it's not Pannus, but, preliminarily a diagnosis of corneal dystrophy. It's best to go to a specialist, for sure!


    Sending good thoughts for Spirit with a positive outcome. She sure sounds like a character! Please let us know what happens.

  2. He stopped panting. *phew* I'm very very glad to have the valium, good stuff!


    I'm glad that it worked and I hope it continues to work and you find the right combination of medication to end this nightmare. I'm so sorry you and your sweet Henry are going through this. I cannot imagine how frightening it must be. I love all the pictures you've posted of Henry, he really is a beautiful boy.

  3. My dogs are chipped and, because I'm super paranoid since Kobie ran away last year, Carl also now wears a Kooga Pet tag. Sunny's human, Lauren, told me about them on Sunday while we were walking Sunny & Carl. I stopped and picked one up the next day. It's very easy to put your information in and Carl is already wearing it. For those who are worried about potential risks from micro chips it's a great alternative.

  4. What if we came up with a GreyTalk First Aid Kit?


    If we could condense the individual products into one standard kit, it might be possible to economically purchase the individual components and make a nice, compact collection of... stuff.


    Great idea! I have to admit, I'd buy that sooner than a t shirt (I have a million t shirts).

  5. His left eye and third lid still continues to be a bit swollen, but looks better every day. I spoke with the opth. vet he doesn't seem to think it could be thyroid, but I still think I want to ask for a panel. He has him back up to Pred Forte x 3 drops per day. He said in his 20+ years he has never had a dog with a bad reaction to Tacro, but said it is possible that Carl "is the one dog" that had it. I think he's afraid if we try the Tacro again there might be damage done, so no more of the Tacro. He insisted on giving me a credit for the medication (WOW, I can't believe that...it was $40 for a tube smaller than my pinky finger). He wants me to call if there are any changes and wants me to call him on Friday to check in. We have an appointment a week from this Thurs.


    He's still a happy boy, he and Sheila are sharing Sheila's birthday treat...big rawhide pigs in blankets. He still seems a tiny bit under the weather, but he wants to go for walks and still wants to play at his usual times.


    Thanks for asking, Claudia.

  6. Hi there


    My name is Lotta and I live in Sollentuna, just outside of Stockholm (the capitol of Sweden ). I have an Irish Greyhound from PAWS, called Annie. She is 5 years old and the absolutely most gentle and goodhearted dog I`ve ever met. Since she had no intrest in racing, she was left in her cage for most of her early life chewing down her frontteeths to a minimum. :sad1

    She came to Sweden through the organisation Neverneverland, who bring mostly Lurchers and Greyhounds from Ireland to be adopted in Sweden.

    Unfortunately Annies first family didn`t take too good care of her due to increasing alcoholism and she and the other 2 greys were in quite poor condition when the situation was brought to light...


    Well now she`s got her health and condition in order and will live the rest of her life with me :love2


    Sighthounds and especially greyhounds are surprisingly not that huge in Sweden and apart from a forum for people who`d adopted dogs, there aren`t any "greytalk"-forums closer by. So, since I absolutely adooore greys, I thought this would be a nice place to see pictures and hear other greylovers talk about their babies! :wub:


    I also thought this would be a perfect place to practise my english, so please bare with me for any misspelling I might do... :blink:






    Welcome from Los Angeles! Your girl, Annie, is very cute, I like the freckles on her chest! She is so lucky to have found you and a good home. Your picture of her outside by the water is beautiful. I have family in Slagelse, Ringsted, Soro & Copenhagen Denmark and have been there to visit (sadly I haven't been to Sweden). Scandinavians are great, I know I'm biased, but what can I say?!

  7. Thanks, if a good question occurs to anyone who reads this please PM me with it, I need all the brainpower I can get at this point.


    Jillysfullhouse, thanks for the info. It's so weird that my vet is saying this is common to greys, but I've only seen one other GTer whose dog was diagnosed with it...I would think if it were common we'd be reading more about it. Your definition doesn't sound nearly as grave as my vet's written prognosis....though your definition does sound a lot more like his verbal prognosis. I don't get it. I work in a clinic and with clinicians every day, I know that medicine is rarely ever an exact science and they can never say anything is 100%. Maybe he just had to put the worst down in writing, like informed consent...this asprin may make your headache go away, and oh by the way, it might give you bleeding ulcers, too.


    Tomorrow....tomorrow...tomorrow, hopefully I'll get some answers tomorrow!

  8. The eye drops are Pred Forte.


    His left eye is much better today, it doesn't look puffy like yesterday and the eyeball is not glassy, the left cornea does not look irritated this morning. His right eye is also better, there is still some lid swelling, but it's not nearly like it was yesterday - it was nearly swelled shut. The third lid looks better, not swollen and covering part of the eye like yesterday. The cornea looks less irritated as well, but it's still sort of glassy and whitish around the edge, but not like it was yesterday.


    I'm making a list of questions for the vet tomorrow morning:

    1. Was the exam or the Tacro the result of his eye irritation, or both?

    2. Could this all be a result of his thyroid? If so, I want to have a full thyroid panel run, not just a T4 and a TSH.

    3. Would it be helpful to start him on Ocuvite? I take it, my parents take it (glaucoma runs in my family), so could it help the health of his eyes?

    4. The narrative of his findings was a lot different and a lot more negative in terms of prognosis than what he said to me. Why the difference?


    He got very playful last night when we came home from dinner, it was good to see him being goofy. I don't think he was in pain yesterday, but I do think he was uncomfortable. He seems much less uncomfortable this morning.


    Thanks for asking and thinking of my boy!

  9. I left a message for the vet, they are closed Sat so I left it in case he checks his messages. He did and he called me (I didn't hear my cell) and left me a message to stop the Tacro for the rest of the weekend and replace it with the Pred drops, he wants me to call him Mon. @9. I think he's a good guy. When I came home from work his lids were still swollen, but not like they had been in the morning. I hope they will be better by tomorrow. He's got a good appetite, but I can tell he's "off". Poor baby.

  10. Gustopher P Jones has Pannus. He has been on Tacro twice a day for about 8 months. Pannus is an autoimmune disorder. His doggy eye doctor says the over vascularization is retreating at a steady rate. We are not going to cut back to once a day until it is gone. He will require Tacro for the rest of his life. It doesn't cure it. Gus is restricted to limited daylight play outside because the ultraviolet/sunlight exacerbates it. He is given extended play periods in the early morning, late late afternoon and night. My backyard is fully lighted for night time playtime. Its also the best time for him to stalk bugs and leaves and things that go bump in the night. Is the vet you are seeing a canine ophthalmologist? If not, you may want to seek one out. Gus is doing well and is very good at coming to the kitchen twice a day for his drops. Tacro needs to be refridgerated! Hope this helps.




    Yes, we went to the animal opthalmologist yesterday, he is the one who said it was not Pannus, but Corneal Dystrophy.


    My poor boy, I woke up this morning and both of his eyes are very irritated and the lids are swollen, one moreso than the other. I don't know if it is from a the Tacro I gave him last night, from all the poking and prodding to his eyes yesterday or a combination of both.


    This just makes me sick. I know it could be worse, much much worse, but it's still getting me down.


  11. After 3 months of treatment with Pred Forte and no change (maybe a bit worse) I asked the vet for a referral to a specialist. We were lucky, we saw our regular vet in the am, got the referral and was able to get in to see the animal ophthalmologist this afternoon.


    Except for the CD, his eyes are healthy. The treatment is now 1 drop of Pred in each eye in the am, one little squirt of Tacrolimus in each eye before bed. He was a great vet, very personable, very upbeat. He thinks (hopes) this can be controlled with medication. He's not 100% sure of the diagnosis, but feels fairly confident this is the correct dx.


    Does anyone have any experience with this? I did a search on it and there haven't been a lot of others on the board writing about it. If anyone has any information I'd appreciate hearing about it and learning as much as I can.

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