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Posts posted by seeh2o

  1. I'm so sorry you had such a terrible experience. Having to put your dog to sleep is always heartbreaking, but it should never be made more difficult.


    When my Chaka had to be put to sleep (a fast growing aggressive cancer took her in two weeks) they told me they would give her a sedative to make her unconscious then the second shot would make her pass. This is my vet's protocol so there was no question as to one or two shots. They did warn me that with the second shot there might be some sort of spasm or appearance of a seizure. I sat with her on the floor of the exam room, they gave her the first shot and she fell asleep in my arms. I picked her up and carried her to the back room where the procedure table was, I was crying, but trying not to make any sounds as I didn't want upset Chaka, they say we can hear when we are unconscious, so I was trying to be strong for her. I placed her on the table, everyone else (the vet techs) were all crying, too. I left before the last shot was administered because I couldn't bear to have my last memory of her struggling. By the time I left her eyes were closed and she was deeply asleep. Before I left the vet's wife (she is the office manager) came in to check on me, she shared with me that he had just gone through the same thing the day before with his own dog - it was his dog of many many years. I felt so bad for him and everyone there that they had to go through this again so soon, but I was (and still am) deeply grateful for their empathy and caring for both Chaka and me.

  2. I have a Prius and Carl is always harnessed and belted in the back seat, even for a quick trip down to the store. He wears a step-in harness which came with a clip to a D ring on the back of his harness and the other part snaps into the seatbelt. I got this shortly after I got him. I didn't give him time to adjust to it, I just put him in it and that was it. I also leave his leash on him, it makes it easier to grab when he gets out. If he were to be able to get out of his restraint I'd feel better about him having his leash on so I (or someone else) could grab him quickly.


    A friend was in an accident an her dog wasn't restrained, he nearly died from being tossed around in the car. I took my lesson through her awful situation.

  3. Hi, I'm new at this, but not so new with Greys. I have had as many as 6 at one time. My husband and I am now the proud cohabitants of 4...Panda,Carson,Danger,Rocky....


    Today I had to leave Panda at our vet because she has severe diarrea. Monday we found out she had Pancreatitis, diarrea can be a symptom. The vet had asked if she had any really rich food in the past 2 weeks.....well about 2 weeks ago she managed to help herself to a large carmel frappachino from Starbucks! That will do it! It was sort of funny at the time, but I did call the vet as soon as it happened concerned that the caffine might harm her. I felt relieved that she had no side affects. But now, 2 weeks later, I realize how harmful it really was. Hopefully the meds he is giving her will relieve her discomfort. The cost of the vet, $$$$ but worth it! I have learned a lesson...don't blink when Panda is in the car with my frappachino!



    Wow! Welcome and thanks for posting that. It is a very good warning/lesson for those of us who are caffeine dependent with a BIG sweet tooth and have curious greys. Carl has been know to steal a slurp of red wine when I'm not looking. Naughty boy.


    I hope Panda recovers quickly.

  4. OK, We just got back from the vet and it appears to be a hematoma. (BIG WHEW!) The sample showed a good number of white cells, so we have a script of antibiotics, and the sample also was not clotting real well, so something to keep our eye on. It should absorb if no infection. If it does not appear to be going down or getting worse, we will bring Rythum back in. :colgate We have some photos, so as soon as I figure out how to post...


    Thanks for all the prayers & happy thoughts. Reading about OS and all the other possibilities really had me worried.


    Oh good! That's great news, I can only imagine what possibilities must have been going through your mind.

  5. I am soooo happy to hear that Sunny is doing well and has a great home. It sounds like he's close to where I live, if Carl and I are lucky, maybe we'll run into you some day! He has such a sweet face, it sounds like his name matches his personality.


    Congratulations to you, Sunny and many thanks to all those involved in helping him find his forever home!!!


    If your close we should meet up sometime and walk the hounds together! I usually go to Griffith Park in the early evening or shorter walks at Ferndell in Griffith Park in the afternoon. Or.., maybe you have another suggestion?



    I live 1/2 block from Elysian Park, so Carl and I usually go on a very utilitarian walk there every morning. As much as I love some of the trails in Elysian Park, there are many many many off leash dogs, so I limit the trails we travel. I'd love to meet up and go on the jungle walk in your pictures! Is that in the Ferndell? I have Fridays off, so maybe we could go some morning or late afternoon (Carl isn't supposed to be out from 10 - 3 because of his Pannus and he really really hates to wear the Doggles). Let's do it!

  6. Oh no! Poor Misty! Poor Claudia! How long with the bandages need to be on? How is she holding up? Poor baby, I hope she gets some relief soon so she can start ruling the roost properly again!

    Just got off the phone with the vet. Misty's thyroid level is right where we want it. He's agreed to cut the bandages off this afternoon which I know will make her feel better.Connie, she is milking this for all it's worth :lol Wayne wants to say hi to his buddy Carl :wave


    I'm glad to hear Misty's thyroid is good - whew, one worry off the table. Good luck with her bandages coming off. You DO know why she's been laying on her bed, don't you? She is waiting for you to fan her with palm fronds, of course.


    Carl says "Hey Wayne!" :thumbs-up He advises that Misty and Wayne really do need lots of ice cream to get through this trying ordeal. Hey, wait, now Carl is telling me that he needs ice cream, too! I smell a conspiracy....or a frozen drumstick?!

  7. Ok, now I'm ready to write what happened.


    As you know, I've been posting that Dee didn't seem right. Her pain was bothering her more and more. the cartrophen did magic things for her, but only for two weeks. Then, we saw that she was really looking miserable. She did have times when she was bright, but she spent more time with a dull look in her eyes than not.


    She wasn't eating her food, although she still eat treats - nothing could get her to stop eating her treats. She even managed to get into the trash again on Monday. I tell you, I should patent and mark those M&M meatball boxes as a garbage can security feature. ;)


    Yesterday, my youngest son was home all day and he said that she never moved once from her bed, except the one time he coaxed her to go outside. When I got hom, she hardly acknowledged me. She looked up, but didn't even try to move, let alone give me my welcome home happy dance. When I did get her to stand up, I couldn't get over how much hair fell off her if you just touched her. If you pinched a bit of hair, it just slid out of her skin and stayed in your hand.


    We were getting her to the vet - she looked very happy when she saw the leash, but made very little effort to get into the collar or to go outside. Usually, she's jumping around so hard, I can't catch her to put the collar on her. She coudln't get in the car at all, we had to lift her. She didn't do her most favourite thing in the world, sticking her head out of the window, until she could figure out how to do it while leaning against the back of the seat.


    We got to the vet, she didn't sniff around like she always does, and then she began to collapse. She died in my arms. Her heart just stopped beating.


    I have her pearl necklace, the "BRAT" one on my cabinet. For Rox, I have a pretty wall hanging I made when he died. For Oscar, I have that lovely figurine that looks exactly like him, which I bought in North Carolina, now I need something to go with Dee's pearls. I'll have to find something.


    It took forever for Oscar to send me a sign - it was only when I found that figurine 6 weeks after he died that I knew he was ok. I don't know what to look for for Dee or even if she will send one. I feel like she wasn't with us long enough.


    Dee came to live with us on November 11, 2007 - Remembrance Day. She stayed with us for 9 months and 17 days. Not nearly long enough.


    I am so sorry. I'm so glad you were together at the end. Take some comfort in knowing that she absolutely knew she was loved.

  8. Connie, you know that Wayne has the same problem, but he has severe food allergies.Finding the right food for him, plus the EicosaDerm is what helped him. I also keep him on Benadryl in the summer. But the summer heat does cause him a bit of a problem and once the weather starts to cool, he's in better shape. I hope you find a solution for Carl but it could be the heat. Give that handsome guy a big hug from us


    Thanks again Claudia for keeping me from going off the deep end! I am @ Ed's in Las Vegas and it's probably as hot here as it is at your place, so it is significantly warmer than what we (my delicate flowers Carl, Sheila and I!) are used to. By day 2 of being here his fur loss looked even worse than it did at home, so of course being the Munchausen mom that I'm turning into, it has been looking worse every day we've been here (4 now). I am finishing up with the fish oil pills I brought with us and am going to take your advice and get the EicosaDerm.


    From what I'm gathering here it sounds like this is fairly typical for summer and he has no other symptoms of a thyroid problem. Can you hear me saying to myself, "he's ok Connie, he's ok??!!!"


    Now for the big decision, switch back to EP or stay with the Kirkland Costco kibble. If I switch and he gets better I'll never know, if I don't switch and it starts growing in I'll know it is seasonal. Oh the conundrum of pet ownership. :rolleyes:

  9. Last May I tried Carl on Costco Lamb, it was so stinky (for me) I switched him back to Eagle Pack Holistic anchovy et al. Then the price went up (along with gas prices - the store that carries "reasonably" priced EP is 45 miles round trip), so in June I switched him to Costco Chicken. Big mistake, his poop was way pudding. Last month I started switching him back to the Costco Lamb because his coat was nice and poop was nice on it...I just hold my breath when I open the lid on the container.


    Sometime in May or June I noticed he was starting to lose what little fur he had grown on his thighs over the winter (he came to me with bald thighs August 07). I assumed he was shedding his winter coat and it would grow back this fall. Well, his thighs are nearly smooth in back and the hair loss is creeping around his thighs. The areas of the thin skin web between his body and the top of his thighs are now both getting thin.


    He had a CBC with T4 thyroid test mid June, it all came back normal. Could the thinning of his fur be because of all the food switching I did? Please bear in mind that I switched the food slowly over a week or more. I'm not normally a food switcher, but things got very expensive very fast, so I was looking for high quality alternatives to the EP.


    He is eating, drinking, sleeping and behaving completely normal, no changes in temperament, etc. Mid June he was diagnosed with Pannus, we are treating it with Pred. drops 3 x a day. From everything I've read about the Pred drops they work locally and are not a systemic concern. Though the timing is such that it makes me suspicious.


    If it seems like it's a food thing I'll donate the new bag of Costco Lamb to a local greyhound group and immediately put him back on the EP Holistic.


    I'm considering making an appointment with a vet that is recommended by one of the local groups I work with, though my vet seems very grey savvy.


    Does anyone have any experience with symptoms like this? I look forward to hearing past experience and advice...thanks in advance!

  10. IMG_1337.jpg


    I am just now seeing this. I am so very very sorry, I just can't believe it. She (and you) fought so hard, this is so unexpected.


    My heart goes out to you, your family and sweet Andy. She is in a much better place now.

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