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Posts posted by seeh2o

  1. PetFirst - pays 90% of whatever your vet charges not a set fee schedule. You do have to send in the past 12 months of vet records with your first accident or sickness claim if your policy has been in place less than a year - they do not pay for pre-existing or herditory conditions. They will only pay for ongoing treatment for six months into the next policy. They do have good routine coverage I think. So far they have been easy to use. They email you when they receive your claim and it takes about two weeks to process it and another week to get your check. And as long as a dog signs up before a certain age - can't remember the age- they will continue coverage although the price does go up as they age.


    I've had them for a year, they've paid more than $1200 in claims for Carl, both accidents and other medical stuff (including several visits to two specialists) - no questions asked, no hassle. I fax in the claim form, supporting documents and usually have a check within 10 business days.

  2. I'd have the vet look at it. My understanding is that Pannus develops over time and often owners don't necessarily notice it right away. Cody may have some dust or grit caught under the third lid that is irritating his cornea or a scratched cornea. He may need antibiotic ointment or drops.

  3. Carl does this occasionally, too. I don't think it's a seizure because he is completely aware and responsive to me and his environment in all ways...walking, being petted, vision and hearing are clear, too. I recall that someone suggested giving them something to eat to stop it, the last two times Carl has done it I've given him a treat and it was over.


    It seems like I recall that someone here was writing about it and was told that it is some kind of a nerve issue, a misfiring nerve or something like that. I believe it is also called "head bobbing".


    This thread has a lot of good information about it.

  4. We just got back from the follow-up appointment with our vet. She gave Sheila a clean bill of health. She's "lost" 7lbs since she was in the hospital! Her bloodwork is better than it has been in years. She said that I need to keep a close eye on her for 6 weeks - 2 months as she is at risk for bloating with torsion until her stomach goes back to it's normal size. She said that right now it's stretched out and floppy, so no running around. Well, since Sheila is 13, blind and has arthritis in her back she doesn't do a lot of running around. Slow wandering and playing is mostly standing in place squeaking a toy incessantly. Regardless, I'll be watching her like a hawk...1 week down, 7 to go!

  5. My dog, Sheila (Shiba Inu/Chow mix) suddenly lost her sight due to SARDs. I learned some good tips from the Yahoo group, Owners of Blind Dogs. The top two things that helped, I got a cat bell and put it on my other dog's collar so Sheila could hear him, when at home I wore a bracelet with bells on it and would jingle it when I was moving around the house & I bought essential oils to put on the door way of each room including the door to go outside. The oils were a HUGE help to her as she was trying to navigate her way around the house. She moves a lot slower and uses her nose and all of her fur (she's a VERY fluffy girl) as antenna to navigate. She leaves a lot of slurpy nose marks around the house, but it's fine by me.


    I also use verbal commands, "step up" for going up a step, "step down", "stop" is a big one, "back back" if she gets stuck and needs to maneuver her way out of a place. Things like that. Also, when giving her a treat I hold it in the flat palm of my hand like I was taught to feed horses, she bites fingers really hard when trying to eat from a hand!


    I bought her a Babble Ball, she liked it, but since it's made of hard plastic it isn't her favorite toy. Her favorite things are tennis balls or anything that squeaks and her treat dispensing Kong.


    Good luck, I hope you can get this figured out and you both adjust ok.

  6. OMG, I am just now seeing this!!!! I can't believe it, this is FANTASTIC. It's like a miracle, an expensive miracle (emotionally, physically & financially), but a miracle none the less!!! I'll bet you feel like you need to pinch yourself...a lot! It pays to be tenacious!!!!


    I'm so happy for you and Monty what a huge, huge gift. Big hugs for you and Monty!!!!

  7. I'm so glad that Sheila is back home with you and Carl. I'm glad that Terry was loved so much and cared for during the last months of his life.


    Did you get any rest?


    Thanks, Charla. Sheila is back to her normal stubborn self, I'm happy to have such a strong willful girl!


    I had a great night sleep last night, I don't work tomorrow, so I'm turning off the alarm clock and the phones, taking a benadryl and going to sleep!

  8. My girl is doing so much better!!! She's back to her normal self, happy, wandering around the house playing bumper car with her nose. I'm glad that I have a timed feeder, so she's getting small portions throughout the day. Her waist is even back.


    We didn't make it to the vets last night, so we have a follow-up appointment next Tuesday. I was on the road driving home from LV to LA last night when I got a call from Ed, he was feeding his dogs (3 senior Boston Terriers...Carl's "pack"). He went upstairs to get the oldest of them, who has a "weak heart" according to the vet, Ed found him dead at the top of the stair. He had apparently just died. Terry was a great old boy. Ed adopted him 14 months ago, Terry had been dumped at one of the LA County shelters (aka death traps) and left to die. He was listed as 15 years old, was missing one eye and the other eye that was covered over with a cataract. Boston Buddies pulled him from the pound, Ed saw his listing and it broke his heart. They let him adopt Terry across state lines, which they don't usually do, but Ed has lots and lots of experience with Bostons, he grew up with them as a kid and had 2 at the time. He gave Terry a great and loving home for the last 14 months. Terry clearly thrived there, he was quite a prancer and always strutted when he walked. He was a happy happy boy. We think Terry was well cared for throughout his life, we suspect he belonged to an elderly owner who passed away and the family didn't know what to do with him so they dumped him at the shelter. Terry died knowing he was deeply loved and cared for.


    I turned the car around and drove back to LV, Ed and I took Terry to the emergency clinic where I'd spent my weekend with Sheila. Ironically, they put us in the same room where I thought I'd have to make the decision to put Sheila to sleep. Neither of us ever imagined we'd be there with Terry last night.


    We're home now, Sheila and Carl are pooped and are sleeping, I'm off to work.


    RIP, sweet Terry boy.

  9. Ok, she must be doing better, she turned her nose up at her food, but she'll eat treats! She had an accident during the night, unusual for her, but so is this situation. I took her out and she POOPED!!! A little, but every little bit counts. She's up and wandering around the house right now. I know I need to stop babying her now and let her do things on her own, but it's hard not to do things for her, like bring the water bowl to her. She's very familiar with Ed's, but it's not her home and she's still a bit disoriented.


    We are driving home today and were lucky enough to get a vet appointment at 7 tonight with our regular vet for a follow-up. Carl is still very concerned, watching us both like a hawk and hanging out on the landing of the stairs so he can watch us both at the same time!


    Oh, and I actually slept last night!

  10. I just got her to drink water! What a little tuffy, I took her outside for a stroll and she had to pee like a flood. As out of it as she seems, she is able to hold her pee. What a good girl. She's still not interested in eating, but no big deal, she still had food in her stomach as of this morning according to the vet. She's just resting and napping mostly.


    We are both soooo lucky, I still can't believe it.

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