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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Chris, the best advice I can give is to use Manuka honey to heal the wound site. Here are a couple of links showing the effectiveness of Manuka honey in wound care.




    I've used it myself to heal a seriously infected wound on Nadir. I applied it to a sterile Telfa pad and used it to cover the wound. It not only highly effective at fighting infection, but provides a moist environment which helps promote healthy tissue

    granulation for minimal scarring.


    ETA one more link, although it is referred to here as Leptospernum Honey.



  2. You are doing everything correct Kari. :grouphug :grouphug My guess is the meds. are probably making him a bit anxious. Spend your time together loving him and just clean it up and not worry about it.



    Believe me, I don't care at all about my floors. I would gladly clean sh!it my floors for years to come if it meant Sparks would still be with me



    I know exactly how you feel. I wanted you to know that although I haven't posted anything before I have been following along and checking in on Sparks and keeping the both of you in my thoughts. I'm always glad to read when he has a good day or night.

  3. Just stopping in to say thank you once again to everyone who waited with us in the very crowded virtual waiting room!


    My flu seems to be on it's way out too. Think I'm gonna swipe some of the good drugs from DH and zone out for a night!


    Chris ;)


    Both of you rest well tonight. Dude, me and a very happy Nadir will check in on you in the morning.

  4. Pardon us... excuse us...boy this virtual waiting room sure is filling up with well-wishers, hope there’s room for the gang and I to squeeze in and join you all. Miss Chris we hope your holding up well enough. There’s plenty of us here for you to lean on though if and when you need it.


    Dude, we’re asking only 2 things of you. First that you recover from this surgery and second that you kick cancer’s a$$. We love you buddy.


    Judy :hope:candle with Nadir :candle , Beanie :candle , Bruiser :candle , Anna :candle & Chase :candle



  5. Dude, as well as your whole family, will be in our prayers tomorrow---well, you already are, but tons of white light will be going out to your precious boy for a successful surgery and rapid recovery.

    We love you, Dude!


    Same here Chris. I love Dude and want him back with his family where he belongs. So many healing thoughts, white light and prayers will be pouring in from all directions tomorrow for your sweet boy.

  6. In my personal opinion 10 hours is too long to be crated. This is not meant as a criticism, I just think housetraining is much better. I too have a 10 hr work day because of a long commute and have been successful with my 5 and numerous fosters adjusting to my schedule. I don't foster any longer, but when I did, they were usually accident free within the first week. Nadir did go through a period of severe incontinence for about 6 months 2 years ago which turned out to be allergy related. I understand though this is rare. My point in mentioning it is that once I figured out the problem and made adjustments to his diet the incontinence stopped and he went back to being able to hold his urine.

    I think having him checked for a UTI is a good thing and as Sheila mentioned you just need a sample. When I was bringing in urine samples for Nadir's problem I was told to get the first catch of the day because it will be more concentrated with the little buggies if he has UTI.

    Something you might want to do a little checking into is the use of D-Mannose, a simple sugar, to treat UTIs. It has been shown to be very, very successful in treating UTIs caused by E-Coli, which are the cause of 95% of UTIs. It has even been shown to be successful in those that have become antibiotic resistant.


    Edited because my big thumbs caused me to post before I was finished.

  7. I am sending healing rays of white light for poor Harley and keeping you both in my thoughts. I hope that they can find a treatment soon for him that will bring relief and have him on the road to recovery.

    I would be careful with using CareCredit. It is nice if you can pay the entire bill before the "0%" time period ends, but if not the interest can be quite hefty at 26%. Also, you may already know this, but the term length of the 0% interest rate can be anywhere from I think around 3 to 12 months and is set by the veterinary facility where Harley is

    being cared for. If you do decide to use something like this make sure they give you the 12 month term. I used it once for a $2400 vet bill for Nadir thinking I'd have a year to pay it off. When I got the first statement I just happened to notice they had set the terms for only 3 months. They did fix that, I just wanted to mention these things as something to look out for so your not caught unawares.

  8. I was reading that this is per a 1 ounce serving. If you were to adjust the dose to 6ml you would get the Glucosamine down to 1000 mg and the Vitamin C to 200 mg. A 9ml dose would give you 1500 mg of Glucosamine and 300mg of Vitamin C.


    What I have read with regard to finding the correct dose of Vitamin C is to keep increasing until stools get loose and then back up to the previous dosage where stools were still firm.




    Another thing to use for wounds that won't heal is Manuka honey, of course, but probably not best for small wounds since it will need covering or they lick it off.


    You can get some of those same healing results with regular sugar or even instant potato flakes - those heal wounds faster than anything else I've tried.


    Can you get these results with regular sugar and potato flakes?




    I know there are uses for potatoes in wound treatment, but I don't think it has the same healing properties as Manuka honey.

  10. Or, if your hound is like my Manny, you could be dealing with surgical removal of an impaled object...in his case a 16" stick into his chest cavity. The vet stopped billing us at $20K out of pity. And yes, he survived.


    I don't think I'll ever forget reading about this harrowing episode. It truly is miraculous that he is alive.

  11. Ok, I'm going to jump in on this. Carl was raised and raced as a greyhound, but he is actually a sheep herding dog in a greyhound suit. When I get home I have to "ignore" him or he will jump all over me. Ignoring works, but as I walk into the house he buries his head in my butt and "herds" me into the kitchen to give him treats. First he starts with the butt herding and then switches to walking beside me and herding me with his head pushing my thighs. I love him to pieces, but it is really annoying...though the butt herding does make me laugh!


    I think Anna and Carl must have the same herding dog bloodlines. Everyday at both meals Anna feels that I am either not smart enough or quick enough in putting the bowls down so she herds me from one spot to the other until her bowl is set down. Since hers is the 4th bowl to be set down invariably I always get pushed in the back of the knee or get my slippers stepped on because she is following so close pushing me along. I can just hear her now "Come on, come on, let's go! What is taking you so long. "

    Bruiser is my whiner. When we go to bed if he is not lying on one of the beds where he can see me he will whine until somebody moves or I get them to swap spots. I also cannot do anything at the kitchen counter without his 100lb bulk hoovering the floor in front of where I'm working in hopes I've dropped something. Lastly the poor guy cannot catch a treat if his life depended on it. He gets so spastic when I toss him a treat, no matter how close my hand is when I toss it to his, mouth he always ends up spitting it back because of the way he tries to grab it.

    Chase gets in your face. When I'm sitting down if he wants my attention he will stand with his nose about 3 inches from mine and just stares at me with a silly look on his face. And he will continue to stand there with his nose in my face until he is satisfied that I have given him enough attention.

    Beanie also demands attention except she employs the flipping of my hand with her nose method until she too is satisfied I've pet her enough.

    Nadir is my stubborn boy when it comes to coming back into the house. I can call till I'm blue in the face. He will come in only when he is good and ready to. You can also add the obnoxiously loud slurping of the privates and lately he has gotten into this habit of, managing to step in poo and get it all squished up into his toes. I have to check his feet now everytime he comes inside.

    All these things while annoying are also what endears them to me. It is part of who they are.

    Well except for the poo-toes, I could do without that.


    Pre is pretty much a pretty greyhound (not that I'm biased or anything :)), but sometimes when we go for long walks and he's not into it, he holds up his paw and fakes and injury. When I try to get him going again he limps on it. I was worried the first time he did this b/c I thought maybe something was wrong, but when we turned around to head for home the "injury" was mysteriously gone. He trots along just fine.



    Arrisa does this! The more attention it gets her the more she hams it up. She will hold that paw way up and HOP all they way home... that is until the *magic cookie* comes out, and then she is magically healed. :lol


    What, don't tell me that you have never heard of the miracle cookie cure?

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