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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. I think you need to take her to the vet. If they don't want to eat it's often a sign that they don't feel right and may know what's best for them, or are experiencing some kind of digestive discomfort from eating. Especially if her energy is off too.


    I think this is excellent advice. The extra gas she's been experiencing could very well be a sign of digestion problems that have developed with the food and that is why she doesn't want to eat it anymore.

  2. For some reason the music and translated lyrics of the song Figlio Perduto (Lost Son) have always made me think of the dark journey traveled by those with a hound suspected then found to have osteosarcoma.




    Walls of wind

    Night has fallen

    Father and son are together


    With a horse

    They proceed

    Through this intense darkness


    But suddenly

    The boy trembles

    With fear

    It gets cold


    Father oh father

    Haven't you seen

    The king of the elfs

    There he is


    Lost son

    Do you want to play

    I bring you joy

    Come with me


    Father oh father

    Did you hear

    What he said

    And what he will do?


    Lost son

    If you don't come with me

    I will use the powers that I have


    Father oh father

    The king of the elfs

    Is touching me

    He hurts me


    And the boy

    Eyes closed

    He doesn't move

    He's already lost



    Lost son

    If you don't come with me

    I'll use my power

  3. He absolutely is in pain. And look how his back legs splay outwards when he tries to sit. I'd be demanding either xrays or ultrasound.

    (I'm not vet, so I can't tell if it's soft tissue or neurological pain)


    The splaying out of the legs is something I picked up on right away. It almost reminds me of a dog with rickets.

  4. I can't help but wonder if the effect the heat has on him is tied to the issue which is causing his limp. Not that heat sensitivity is a symptom, but that it is exacerbated by what is bothering him. He clearly looks distressed in both videos and I hope you can get some answers to what is going on.

  5. Well I'm glad Judy has brought up Manuka honey. I used it to heal an infected pressure sore Nadir developed on his elbow from a splint rubbing. When I carried him into the vet that morning his leg stunk so bad of rot and infection I thought he was going to lose his leg. After the vet removed the splint and cleaned out the wound he was left with a very large and deep wound, which she tried to stitch, but which later pulled open. Anyway he was put on Cephalexin for the infection and had s very bad reaction to it. I m decided to try the Manuka honey to heal the wound and fight the infection which had set in. It once again proved to me how invaluable this stuff is to have around the house. It did a beautiful job of clearing the infection and healing that open wound with minimal scarring. I just applied it to a Telfa pad, which I then placed on the wound and then wrapped with bandaging. A word of advice, for open wounds do not use the high UMF rated honey, as I have read it can almost feel like it has s burning effect, because it is so strong. I just used one with a 16+ rating for that job and Nadir never seemed to be bothered by it.

  6. Good thoughts for Magic. :hope


    You could put a nice warm compress on it - as hot as he can stand - and switch it out once or twice. If the area feels swollen, change that to a cold compress with a nice bag of frozen peas. If they did not do xrays previously, you should really have them done this time.


    We keep rimadyl on hand all the time for various pulls and strains. You might discuss this with your vet if he sems to be doing this often.


    I just want to mention that a sock filled with rice and heated in the microwave makes a great compress.

  7. My heart breaks for her. GUR her to me. And, I'm not kidding.


    OP, this was something that had occurred to me when I read your post. I wasn't thinking of Diane per se, but someone who felt up to the added stress of caring for an incontinent hound. This is not meant to pass judgment on what an individual feels they can handle. Everyone is different. Please though think about your girl and if this would be an option please consider it before euthanasia.

  8. No Lucy, I don't think your overreacting. When you've lost a hound to osteo it is always going to be your first fear, but that doesn't mean that THIS is osteo. I'm praying that it is something like Hawthorn or JohnF has mentioned or numerous other things it could be. For your own peace of mind though I would insist on an x-ray.


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