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Everything posted by NancyB

  1. Janice I'm so sorry to hear about Walter
  2. How sad, I'm so sorry
  3. It has been a year since John and I were at the vet's office, sending our good boy Marvin to the bridge. He had osteo, had his left front leg amputated and as if that wasn't bad enough he broke his back leg trying to get on his bed. It was the large bone that went from his hip to his knee on the same side as his amputation, we had no idea the cancer had spread there. We were sad beyond words when the vet gave us the awful news. We gave him a pain free, peaceful passing, told him we loved him very much, told him he was our good boy, kissed him and held him. I asked him what I was going to do without him but at that point he was gone, I still don't know the answer. Marvin was our first greyhound, MY greyhound, my heart dog and my heart is hurting without him This picture was taken about 3 weeks before Marvin went to the bridge. John had just given him a massage and he looked so peaceful Marvin, we miss you and love you. We were so happy you were here, we know you enjoyed your retirement and you brought us 3 1/2 years of happiness and love.
  4. What a very handsome boy
  5. I am so sorry and sad for your loss Derby was a beautiful girl
  6. Happy Gotcha day at the bridge Cody
  7. Happy Gotcha day at the bridge Rafferty. What a handsome boy you became
  8. Oh no, how heartbreaking, I'm so sorry
  9. NancyB

    Missing Iberia...

    I remember Iberia, very handsome boy
  10. NancyB


    How sad, I'm so sorry
  11. NancyB


    Very handsome boy, I'm so sorry he's gone
  12. I'm so sorry for the loss of your Kona
  13. NancyB


    How sad, I'm so sorry to hear about Bauer
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