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Everything posted by NancyB

  1. Sending healing thoughts and prayers for Lily
  2. Marvin was allowed to eat the morning of his chemo treatment. Sending many prayers and hugs for your girl
  3. I'm so sorry ( I remember your kissing avatar)
  4. NancyB

    Cassie Jo

    Heather I'm so sorry your girl is gone
  5. Marvin had an upset stomach, throwing up bile, explosive diarrhea. Sometimes he wouldn't eat and I started giving him cooked chicken breast and rice. Dr. Couto said greyhounds don't normally have reactions like that. Good luck to Sophie, I hope she does well on the chemo
  6. OMG DeVon, I just saw this! I'm so sorry your girl is gone. Sending prayers and hugs.
  7. Sending good thoughts and prayers for Sophie
  8. Sending many prayers for your girl Having been through this with my Marvin I know how you're feeling. The biggest relief will be when the surgeon calls and said the surgery went well and your girl is doing good
  9. Good thoughts and prayers coming for Abby
  10. Marvin had palliative radiation first and the effects were great for six weeks, then his wrist blew up and he was in so much pain we decided to do the amputation. Chest x-rays were clear. Marvin had his amputation on Aug. 4, 2005. He had chemo and he only had one more treatment left and his back leg broke (the same side as his amputation) on Nov. 21, 2005. We had to send him him to the bridge, the cancer had spread there and we didn't know it. We were so heartbroken that night, he was so stoic until the end. If it happened to one of my other dogs I'm not sure what I would do now. He went through a lot with the surgery, and the chemo was hard on him. I was told by Dr. Couto that greyhounds don't usually have a reaction like he had with the chemo. Whatever decision you make don't second guess yourself. You will know what is best for your situation. Sending hugs for you and your girl
  11. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news, prayers coming for your girl My Marvin had fibroblastic osteosarcoma. Here's a link to Marvin's Amputation photo album it's very graphic but you wil know what to expect if you choose to do it.
  12. I'm so sorry, sending prayers for Cocktail
  13. I'm so sorry your girl is gone
  14. NancyB


    OMG, I'm so sorry and shocked
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