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Everything posted by NancyB

  1. Dee I'm so sorry! Sending prayers for Rusty and hugs for you!
  2. I'm so sorry to hear about Oliver
  3. I gave Marvin artemisinin. It's compatable with chemo but you have to wait 8 weeks to give it if you use radiation (which we did on his leg). When I was doing research I purchased the Whole Dog Journal article After you read it the links that are at the bottom of the article I posted below. What you can do Chemicals in Sweet Wormwood Resources
  4. My good boy Marvin was on Metacam when first diagnosed with osteo. When he needed more pain medication (before his amputation) he was given Tramadol (while still using Metacam). He was 84 pounds then and his dose of Tramadol was 1 and 1/2 tablets every 12 hours as needed for pain. Each tablet is 50 MG. Sending many prayers for Duncan
  5. OMG I am so sorry to hear about Bounty. Sending many prayers and hugs for both of you
  6. Sending prayers and hugs for you and Wenda today
  7. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about Terry
  8. I took in a urine sample from Ruby to be tested for a UTI, she has been leaking urine occasionally. The vet just called and said that her protein level was high. I asked what the numbers were and she said it should be a negative but it's a plus 3. She has to go in Monday for a blood test to check her kidney function. I looked through my greyhound medical info trying to find out if this number was okay for a greyhound but didn't find anything. Does this sound high for a greyhound?
  9. Oh that's just so sad, I'm so sorry.
  10. Sending many prayers for Lilah My Marvin was taking metacam and tramadol before his amputation. Maybe she just needs additional pain meds for now
  11. We did palliative radiation for our Marvin. He had great results for six weeks, he was even going on walks. Sending prayers for your girl
  12. Hope you can figure out what's bothering him.
  13. Sprout, I hope you're feeling better soon
  14. Good luck with the toe. My Ramm dislocated his toe a few years ago and he was wrapped up for many weeks, leash walks in the yard and restricted exercise after the wrapping came off. The knuckle on that toe is larger than the others now.
  15. Glad to hear the good news
  16. Sending healing thoughts and prayers for Alan
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