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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. You may already be doing this but when you attempt to feed him, are you offering him the food on a spoon? For some reason, this often works, when they won't eat out of a bowl or from a hand
  2. I'm really sorry to hear that Nan I'm going to re-read my books in his memory.
  3. He'll be 4 tomorrow (And he's a Deerhound, in case peeps don't know) Edited to add pic:- Here he is on the left
  4. Hello Winslow - this is Darcy My brother Tetley is shedding. His fur is coming out in tufts. I think he looks ridiculous. My brother Striker is shedding too. He looks like nobody cares for him because he has glossy patches of fur and then falling out patches of fur. Mother says she could knit a new dog from both of my brothers. (I hope she doesn't). How can your Mother say you are lazy when you swim 21 laps?? I'd not swim 21 inches. It's bad enough when they make me go for a walk. Here is a picture of me taken just now. I am laying in my dinner bowl. Love, Darcy xxx PS Talking of hair - I am (quite obviously) having a bad hair day. My hair looks like it has exploded.
  5. I've booked Duffy in to the vets on Thursday of next week (4th June) for some tests. There are a few things which are concerning me. 1. He's never snapped at a dog in his life until last Thursday when he snapped at a pup who was trying to sniff his face. And then he did the same thing again under the same sort of circumstances on Sunday. 2. He's been a little bit narky about his space with our own dogs - nothing major - just a touch narky and it's not really like him. 3. A couple of weeks ago, he was sleeping and suddenly got up and 'ran' a few feet across the room but as he was moving, he was weeing. 4. A couple of weeks ago (maybe 10 days ago), he let out a loud yelp/scream thing when Marc was stroking him. Marc thinks he had his hand on his chest/rib area. I've examined him but can't find anything obvious myself. 5. He squeals when he has to be picked up (to be lifted into the van for example). Is this new? I don't honestly know because it's rare that he's ever had to be picked up before. So. We've got a wee sample to collect and then on Thursday Duffy will have bloods done and he's also going to have a set of chest area x-rays. *shudder*
  6. I'm glad he's had his surgery and is now on the way to recovery I've never known a dog go home within a few hours of this surgery before. I hope you both managed to get some rest
  7. Lots of good thoughts being sent from here. Darcy in particular sends Sterling a hop and a three paws up (19 months and 11 days post amp for osteo)
  8. I'm very sorry to hear of your current situation I know that on this site http://www.tripawds.com/forums/ there are number of people who have large breed, heavy dogs who have had amputations due to osteo. My deerhound was diagnosed with osteo and had a front right amputation on 16th October 2007 and she is still doing well. Amputation is a very personal decision and much depends on the particular dog and it's circumstances, the humans circumstances etc etc and I also don't think it's something that one can make a firm decision on, until they are faced with it.
  9. Other than the numbers thing (which I have no experience of) it really does sound like he's doing well and is exactly where I'd expect him to be and I'm sure that some of the others who have amputee experience will say the same. I hope that will make you feel a little better
  10. Lots of good wishes being sent from here
  11. It's such a terrible topic but the whole death of a pet thing really does need to be discussed in advance so that, as others have said, plans can be made and requests noted well before the actual day it's needed. On my pets notes at the vets, it is noted that I want a private cremation and ashes returned in a wooden casket. It's vital that my vets are aware of this in case ( a ) something happens when my pets are being looked after by someone else - if I am on holiday for example and ( b ) in case I am unable to voice my requirements at the time. I would hate for my pets to be....dealt with...in a different way but for it to be too late for my personal wishes to be met. So although it's terrible to think about, it is well worth having your requirements noted by your vet, well in advance. I have had the vet come out to our car for Stanley, Jessie and Sally. It was a single shot. Jessie had been given a sedative at home beforehand (planned a few weeks before and I had the medication stored for the day we needed to make That Call). The others have been inside the vets and again, a single shot. It's terrible. But its what we must endure.
  12. Bevd


    I'm very sorry
  13. How terrible I'm so sorry
  14. I don't have any experience of it being on a rib so I can't advise but I'm very sorry to hear of the diagnosis and am sending good thoughts for Raymond and for you
  15. Bevd


    In 1995, Jorj - a stray adult cat - sat in the middle of the road and refused to budge. We sat and waited but he stayed where he was, peering up at the car. So I got out, picked him up, put him in the car and he clambered over onto Marcs knee and sat there for the journey home. He was a fully grown adult but we never knew his actual age. He was probably about 2 or 3. A few years later, he had to have all his teeth removed. I spent a fortune on squishy sachets of cat food so that he didn't hurt his poorly mouth. Everytime I went into the kitchen, he'd meowwwwwww and I'd open a sachet for him. And then a few days after the surgery, I spied him.....tucking into dry crunchy food with no problems at all Jorj was The Cat on the block for quite a few years and he'd often come home with a cauliflower ear or a big scratch on his nose but he mellowed with age. He was a great greyhound trainer And a great puppy minder Jorjy drifted off to The Bridge in his sleep during the early hours of his morning. He will be sadly missed
  16. Radar was in December 08 (with Wallace)
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