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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. That made me giggle I'm glad the 'evil' isn't in the picture here (quite literally in fact). Sending good thoughts for a speedy recovery from whatever it is thats ailing Lola
  2. That would just be too unfair. All good thoughts coming from here
  3. I cannot believe that it's three years Vinnie was the most beautiful boy and will always be remembered
  4. I seem to have just sung the Eat it song to Marc
  5. Tom That's the funniest thing ever
  6. The catapulted into the car bit made me do a big loud unladylike laugh Glad to hear that he is 'home' and preparing to receive visitors this weekend Darcy sends a large sniff
  7. It sounds like she's doing really great Tracey
  8. All fingers and toes crossed here for Beau
  9. You may be sorted with this now but just in case, the best thing I have ever found for healing a wound was COLLOIDAL SILVER which was recommended to me by my vet when angel Radar had a surgery wound that wouldn't heal (because Radar kept removing the stitches ) It can be purchased in bottle with a rubber dropper top and you just drop a few...drops () of the liquid onto the wound a couple of times a day. With Radars wound, which had been open for a good couple of weeks, it healed within a few days. It was fabulous.
  10. All good thoughts coming from our house.
  11. Good luck today lovely Cosmo Tracy (remember to breeeeath)
  12. I'm very sorry Sleep tight Griffin
  13. Bosha - you put up a valiant fight Sleep tight now whilst you wait for all those who love you
  14. Tracy - I understand how you feel about her leg having to go. I didn't have much time (minutes - literally) to think about giving the go-ahead for Darcys amputation, but I certainly second guessed it during the early days post amp. However, I realised that I haven't really taken anything from Darcy (other than the evil ailment) and in fact, I have given her the chance of life. And that's what you are doing for Cosmo It's true that Darcy no longer has the beautiful gait that Deerhounds are renowned for but she does have life - and a good one at that. It was a very small price to pay. We will be thinking all good thoughts for Cosmo and for you
  15. Dear Winslow I hear that you are going on a short road trip and staying in some place with a ding ding box. Lucky you. I also hear that whilst you are away, you'll be having some stupid lumpette removed from your digit. I can cope with that. Let them take the lumpette and when they're not looking, give it a kick from me, just before it goes in the garbage. Come back all fixed and refreshed. I'll just lay around waiting to hear that you're back, safe and sound. Love, Darcy xx PS My stupid Mum seems to have developed allergies again. PS. As you can see, I now have two eyebrows again
  16. Bevd


    We'll miss you Julio Sleep tight little man I'm very sorry
  17. Well that all sounds as GOOD as it possibly can May I breathe properly yet?
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