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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. Checking in to see if their is any updates, we have been saying prayers?
  2. Sending prayers for Diamond, I hope she is feeling better.
  3. Congratulations!!!!! Lots of Happiness!!!!!
  4. Greyt Idea! We have to try this one because the girls get anxious and want to start moving their legs before I am done. Thanks so Much Burpdog.
  5. Poor baby. I am so sorry, I hope he feels better real soon. I hope you were able to get the owners information or know where the idiot lives, if it were to get infected, you may have other bills.
  6. I am so Very Sorry. Run Free Dempsey!!!!
  7. I am so Sorry!!! Enjoy every minute, day hour....
  8. I am very happy to hear Snowy is home, we will continue to pray for a quick recovery.
  9. :confetti CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :confetti Lots of Happiness and we will be praying for Wendi, you and your dh are Angels to give Wendi her own forever home.
  10. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts........
  11. I am so Happy to hear that he is home. We have been thinking about him, and running too that is GREYT news!!!!!!!
  12. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts.
  13. I am so very Sorry. Run Free Nimby!!!!
  14. Thanks so Much, your responses mean a lot. It has just been a bad time and I really miss my boy, I am sure he met Emmy and welcomed her to the bridge, Champ was a social butterfly, and Emmy was beautiful, so I am sure he flirted with her.
  15. You are not the only one, my Champ passed after only 10 days after getting her dental and Sophie goes for her dental on Tuesday and I have been checking her all over and called the dentist twice already and every single night I check mine over for any bumps and I get so worried if they don't walk exactly like I think they should.....
  16. I hesitated to post this because it is still very hard for me, Champ was the love of our lives and was our first greyhound. He was there for me through some very tough times in my life like going through the trauma of 9/11. he never left my side through the days I just felt like I could not lift my head off my pillow Champ would get up and the bed with me and nudge me like saying mom OK lets go, and then when I would get up, he brought me his leash to get me outside. If it was not for him during these times, I don't know.... We miss you sooo Much Champ and your Ash's are in the cabinet that faces outside where you loved to run, but we all know your favorite place was the ocean. You loved to jump in the water and run and play. Here is my boy on the Beach Here is Champ with Sophie these two were very close, Sophie even jumped one and gave Champ a last Good Bye.She has never got this close with any other Grey. Mommy Daddy and Stephanie, Sophie miss you, and we love you so much, we can't wait till the day when we get to see you again. to you Champ at the Rainbow Brige, it has been 2-years but baby their is not a day that goes by that we don't think about you.
  17. I have been thinking about Asia too, I hope she is ok!
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