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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. I am not sure becuase I have not had to expierence, but we wanted to send more prayers and hugs!!!! Bless her little heart.
  2. Heather just checking in and wanted you to know that we are praying for you all, I know this is a very hard time. Spoil him all you can....
  3. I am sorry I don't know how I missed this, but he is Adorable!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations and I am so happy to hear that he is settling in and it looks like he made a great fit in the pack so far. Lots of Happiness with him. Please keep the updates and pictures coming....
  4. Greyt News!!!!!! I am now praying for a quick recovery.
  5. I agree because I learned the hard way and then we went away and I was not near a kitchen and I had one that would not eat.... You can get the supplements from a good Diet.
  6. We love Winslow!!!!!! We also love to get his updates!!!!
  7. I am praying for you and Argo's I know that must be a very hard decision to make, I am just so very sorry. :grouphug :hope The picture is priceless, very tear jerking and Special!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Go Polli your pretty girl!!!! You look Greyt!!!!!!!!!
  9. Lots of prayers and white light coming your way......
  10. Heather, I am so very sorry. I am also sorry that I am just now seeing this, my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your dh! Please give Elvis a hug and kiss from us!
  11. 4greyhounds


    I am so Very Sorry! Run Free Trista
  12. I am sending prayers that Monty is feeling better real soon! Bless his heart!!!!!
  13. Sending lots of prayers for Ember, the surgeons and you..... Hugs Too...
  14. Please don't feel guilty we all make mistake in frustration, I know when I lost my Champ I felt so cheated and said something I regret and I have always tried to make it up to Sophie since, please know she looked very happy.
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