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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. Poor baby, I am sorry for both of you and I know that must have been really hard, can you please see that the group get him on meds? :grouphug
  2. I am so very Sorry. Run Free Brittney.
  3. Thanks for the update. Sending more prayers and white light.
  4. I got mine today and everything was a perfect fit!!!! Thanks Trudy!
  5. I am very sorry that you are having to make this decision, but I could never ever let go of one of my babies after they had spent their whole retirement life with me. That is heart breaking, is their not some way you can baby gate or like other people said use a sling? Also if this is the only problem please don't put him down, I am sure their is some way... some how you can get around this.... Praying for a solution.
  6. Sending lots of prayers and white light.
  7. 4greyhounds


    RIP: Sari!!! You will never be Forgotten!!!!
  8. I am so Happy to hear that she is eating and that she got the stitches out!!! Praying that she will keep getting stronger and get right through the chemo.
  9. I am so very sorry, I had just read the other post. Run Free Blackberry.
  10. I am so Sorry. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
  11. That is Greyt News!!! She will be in our thoughts and prayers !!!!!!!
  12. I am so very sorry that this is the first time I saw this, I missed it somehow and then when I read your post that you were having a hard time, I was in shock!!!!!! My heart breaks for you, I know you are hurting and their is no words to take that pain away. But please believe me, you are in my thoughts and prayers and know you will see him again one day. That was such a short time after you found out he got sick. Run Free Coby!!!!! We will meet our babies again, I truly believe that........
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