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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. Thats Great News!!!!!!!!!! Go Ember Go!!!!!!
  2. We Continue to pray for Eclipse!!!!!!!! I think I missed a Birthday. Happy Belated Birthday!!!!
  3. I have no advice, but sending lots of prayers and white light....
  4. I am so very Sorry. Sending lots of prayers and white light....
  5. I am sorry I have no advice, But I wanted to send pryers and hugs.....
  6. Welsome and Congratulations!!!!!
  7. I am sorry I have no experience, but we are sending lots of prayers.
  8. I am so very sorry. Run Free Cherry Pickin. Beautiful Tribute.
  9. I am sorry I have no experience but want to send prayers that she starts eating and that you get the report back real soon. :hope
  10. Sending lots of prayers and white light..... Please keep us posted.
  11. Bless his heart, I am just now seeing this, I am so happy to hear that it was not real bad news. But we will be praying for a quick recovery. Please give him from us.
  12. Congratulations!!!!!!!! Lots of happiness!!!!!! By the way Happy Birthday too.
  13. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I am also a foster flunker, so you get to join the club too. She is adorable.
  14. I am sorry I don't know what it could be, but we are sending prayers that it is nothing to worry about....
  15. I am so Sorry. Run Free Courtney Lynn!!
  16. I hope that everything went ok today, Thinking about you both....
  17. Sending more thoughts and prayers and lotsa hugs!!!!
  18. Congratulations!!!! She is Beautiful!!!! Welcome to the board and lots of happiness with her.
  19. What a doll Henry is all curled up. I hope it works for him!
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