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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. I am so very sorry..... Run Free Buddy!!!!
  2. Poor Baby, that is a lot to go through. Sending lots of hugs and prayers for a quick recovery.
  3. Sounds like Great News!!!! Lots of hugs!!!
  4. Hi and Welcome from former Pennsylvania person!!!! Your dogs are Gorgeous, love the pictures. I am so sorry about Bullet!!!!
  5. I am so happy to hear that she is doing good. We will continue to pray that she does well and the Chemo goes good... Please give her some :kiss2 for us!!!! Thanks for the update.
  6. I am sovery sorry.... Run Free Bullet....
  7. I am very happy to hear he is back home, please give him hugs from us!!!!
  8. Unless somebody sent them already, you shouldn't see anything other than the number you have coming to you. Can I please ask you, should the person acknowledge right away that they have your name and then it would show on your screen that it was acknowledged. Thanks and sorry to be a pest.
  9. Robin, I have no words..... I can only say how very sorry we are..... We were praying and hoping for a different outcome, but sometimes we just can't save our babies and there is nothing that can take that pain away but to know we will meet them again one day... Run Free Polli
  10. Congratulations!!!! He is Gorgeous!!!!
  11. I am so very sorry.... Run Free Wendel
  12. Lori, I am so very sorry to bring this up again but with all the recent work hours I had been working I missed this post.... :grouphug I just wanted to say that I know Tasha was a very special girl and she had the best home ever living out her remaining retirement days at your home... You were not only her mommy and daddy but her Angels. I always loved to watch for her pictures in the Christmas parade and last years Christmas parade with her riding on the float you could see she was smiling and she was glowing!!!! I know this was very hard for you and Michael. Run Free Tasha! Edit: Your Tribute was Beautiful!
  13. He is Gorgeous!!!!!! I love the picture of him running with the stuffie!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! :wub: :confetti
  14. Congratulations!!!!! :confetti They are both Gorgeous!!!! :wub:
  15. Poor Baby!!!!! I would keep a very close watch on it, it is better if it heals on its own..
  16. I am sorry I have no advise, but we are sending lots of prayers and hugs....
  17. Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers with hugs.....
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