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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. I am so very sorry.... Run Free Dully Eva
  2. Kim, I am so sorry I am just now reading this, we will be praying that Shelby is ok!!!!! Precious Shelby, Aladdin says his squirrel hunting buddy can't be hurt, he wants to get together with her again real soon. Please give Shelby lots of kisses from all of us and we are going to be praying......... :kiss2 :hope :bighug I am so sorry you have had too much on your platter this week, and things have got to get better. Remember when you can't see the end to the tunnel there is light coming..... We love you all and we are praying things get better real soon!!!!!!
  3. Praying for a positive vet visit and then you all are able to get sleep.... I know this has to be very hard... :grouphug :hope
  4. Robin, I am so sorry, we will be praying for all of you.
  5. I am sorry I have no advise but I am so very sorry.....
  6. Mine is the same way.... This is what it says.. 2 of 2 incoming packages have not yet been sent.You do not currently have any incoming packages.
  7. That is Great News!!!!! Go Polli Girl Go!!!!!
  8. It's not contagious dog-to-dog. They all got infected via the fleas, not via each other. Fix the flea problem, you'll fix the tapeworm problem! Thank You for clarifying! I was told by the vet that if one had the tape worm then the others could catch it through the feces! Guess I need to get a new vet....I am not sure how the other three got them, we never had a flea problem nor did I ever see a flea on them, but I did see the worms in three of their feces...
  9. I am so sorry, I am just now reading this, I am very happy to hear that you made it home ok and that everything looks not as bad as maybe you thought... That is Great news.... We are sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts and prayers for a great outcome and positive news!!!! :hope
  10. I am so very sorry..... Run Free Suenos
  11. I am so very sorry..... Run Free Eddie!
  12. My 3 got them when Pongo first arrived at my home. He had a very bad flea problem at the kennel, I was also horrified but I took them all to the vets and they all got a pill. I vacuumed real good and $65.00 later they were all gone....I know it is very contagious.... Before I knew he had them the other 2 had got them, Aladdin was the only one that did not....
  13. I am sorry I have no advise, but sending lots of prayers and hugs.... :hope
  14. I am sorry I am just now seeing this, sending lots of prayers and white light.
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