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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. I am so very sorry,my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!!!!!!! Run Free Sprite
  2. What a heart thob, he is gorgeous!!!!!!!!! Lots and lots of Happiness and welcome to the grey world. Very happy to see the baby is happier! But I hope she don't want to stay in that crate she is too cute!
  3. I am sorry I have no info, but do know lots of grey friends that went through this and all came out very well.
  4. I am so Happy to hear that he is doing better! Another prayer answered.
  5. I hope it is just the camera! If not I would get him straight to the vet!!!! Good Luck!
  6. I am so very sorry!!!!!!!!I really understand and if you may want to talk please pm me.
  7. Carol Ann, We will be praying! Please give her Hugs from us! Our bad, we had to edit she is no boy.
  8. I am so sorry!!!!!!!! Run Free Queen Tica
  9. Poor Baby! I am sorry we never had to deal with the happy tail, so no suggestions! Good Luck!
  10. I am so Happy that she is feeling better.
  11. I am very happy to hear that it was nonething serious, I think for a while I would go out with him and watch him.
  12. Bad news the stitches could not come out and it has been 2-weeks, vet says 1-more week.
  13. Good Questions I think because the wounds were too deep and she had to have tubes put in. Bless her heart and her mommy is a old lady falling a part but we get around great. She is just my BABY and if ANYTHING happens to her, it will kill me, I have other but she is my baby.
  14. Bag Balm is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!! They have it at CVS.
  15. Sorry that was a joke! I would never actually tye her anywhere!!!!!!! NEVER.... But to try to keep her from popping those stitches and keep her away from the other dogs we had to crate her and she wants out of there so bad.......she jumps and etc. She has the energy but to look at her you would be amazed at houw she has that energy. We also only put her in there when we go out but have snook around and used the web cam and you can see her jumping.....
  16. My little baby girl (greyhound) that was attacked, is supose to get her stitches out today. She was attacked by another dog it was a no-fault of anyone just happened very fast. But she had a 8-in gash on one side and 2-other places on the other side. She spent 5-days in the hospital, I have beeen worried sick, But not her I have had to almost tye her to the crate. But she could use some small prayeers today. We are worried one side looks like it MAY be infected. I tell you my baby girl don't leave my sight for one second, even on the leash, she is my heart dog I love her so much. Thanks for any thoughts and prayers today.
  17. We are so very sorry!!!!!!!!! Run Free Flecka!
  18. I am so sorry!!!!!!! Run Free Buycut.
  19. I am so sorry!!!!!!!!! Run Free Mattie
  20. That is absolutley ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!
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