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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. Love the pictures they are adorable and I am so hapy you figured out how to do the pictures!!!!!!! They are GREAT!
  2. I am so very sorry!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I am so Sorry Run Free Snowman
  4. Oh "NO" I am so sorry. We will be praying for him. God Bless
  5. I am sooo Sorry, but know you made the decision because you love her sooo Much. Sometimes I ask God why I am having to go through this but he knows we are strong and we will meet them again......Give her all the loove this week you can...
  6. I am sorry, but I think I would also give 24 hours like everyone else is saying.......I hope she feels better real soon.
  7. from South Carolina. Your baby is a heartbreaker, he is absolutley adorable!!!!!!!!!
  8. I have heard a rumor, if you can get them past 7 then you are doing good and they could be around till 14 years but then look at the 20-year old ground so don't let it upset you, you never know............
  9. Bless his heart, we hope hje feels better real soon!
  10. I am so sorry. We will be praying for Otis, I know that was hard to clean up, I had blood all over my house to clean up, when my baby Jasmine got jumped. and I used perxide most came out.
  11. Poor Bill! We are still praying for a quick recovery.
  12. We are originally from the Warminster area. Love your pictures and welcome to the greyhound world, you are gonna love it......
  13. Poor Baby we will continue the prayers!!!!!!!!
  14. Thanks so Much! That really helps me to be able to read about it, I see pros and Cons. But I think we are probably ARE GOING TO GET IT...... As soon as sister heals up from the vicious dog attack, one have to deal with one thing at a time, Sophie is still on antibotics and her sister gets her stitches out on Monday. So I have made a appt. for Sophie the following Monday.We have to have a decision made by then because the appt is with the surgeon. Thanks so Much Everybody.
  15. My Sophie has the same problem, we are considering the surgrey, did you get it for Rita and if so how did it go?????? Trying to gather as much info as possible.
  16. I am so sorry Lori!!!! But you are so right our almighty God is great and he will carry you through this. We will be praying for Bill!!!!! Please keep us informed.
  17. I am so SORRY, your poor dad, please let him know our thoughts and prayers are with him. Run Free Malone
  18. I am so sorry. But know you will see her again.
  19. Mine came with no parasites! I guess we are very fortunate, and adopted from a great group that will not let the dogs be adopted with any parasites. Sorry you all are having problems with them.
  20. 4greyhounds


    I am so sorry!!!!!!
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