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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. We are sending lots of prayers for him and hugs for you and your daughter. Please keep us posted.
  2. Your greys are beautiful. We are very Happy that you have joined the group.
  3. We are sending lots of prayers your way. I am so sorry! You have been great with me and Sophie, if their is anything I mean anything I can do for you and Cullen, please don't hestiate to ask.
  4. That was a beautiful tribute to your boy it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for giving him a good home whenever one else turned their back, they just did not know your boy and he was meant to be with you.
  5. Great News! I am so happy that everything went so well, but bless his heart I am sure he is in some pain.
  6. I am not sure if their was a lost dog in my area before, their may have been but I have not heard about it! Sophie is eating and drinking but does not have a lot of energy. I also was taking Sophie to Dr. Robertson but when we moved it was too far and we are getting ready to move even futher away from her and the vet I used before that Dr. Zink he retired and someone took over his pratice I am not familiar with, we will get second opions on this with Poinsett but Electric City is suppose to be the Best. She saw Dr. Tope he has a excellent reputation and I am looking at the paper work he is testing in the blood the following Antech Superchem- CBC, T4,U/A HWT, the only one I am familiar with is HWT. I am sorry my babies don't normally get sick that often and I am just not familiar. They did a urinalysis by dipstick and Sediment. All I know is I am praying for good blood test and this ends up being just the extra flap over the anal and she will get that cut once we get to the bottom of what the heck is going on. Her temp has gone down to 103.Lets just pray for good test results.
  7. She is very knowledgeable and has helped me a lot. Thanks so much Burpdog.
  8. Dick, We are going to stop it Burpdog was so very nice to send me articles to show my husband and I did call the vet back and they told me that they had halfed the pills, which they did and to only give if needed. We are not going to give them to her and we are going for a second opinion. Thanks so much for the concern.
  9. Gabby is a cutie and it is very nice to meet her.
  10. I will set up an appointment on monday with Poinsett for a second opinion.I really appreciate all the input. Thanks! I will do anything for my babies at any price.
  11. Best find another vet. I wouldn't go back to this one. If there's bacteria in there, she has an infection. Hugs and hopes the antibiotic fixes her up. This was our first time to this vet, he was highly recommended, our vet retired. I just can't wait until the blood work comes back, I think that will tell the story. Thanks!`
  12. If this is true, there is no way she should be on rimadyl or any other NSAID! I don't know, that is just what he put her on. That is what she is taking, why will this hurt her more ?????????
  13. I ask the vet today when I took Sophie it is no different, it is the laws.
  14. Thanks everybody for your prayers and well wishes, her mommy is just a bundle of nerves until the test results come back.......This is my little girl and it breaks moms heart for her to be sick. We are just thinking positive that the blood work comes back good. Her brothers are staying by her side and taking good care of sister.
  15. We just now got back from the vets we went to Electric City. It is bad and good news she does not have a bladder infection even though they did a urinalyis and it came back with some bacteria, he said the bacteria could come from the cup or hair or anything it was too small of a amount. She has an infection around her anal, she has a extra peice of skin there and it is infected, we can have it removed once she gets better from this, and she had a fever of 105 but they said that was not too high. They did blood work and had to send it out to get tested. The vet said it can be one of two things worse case her kidneys are shutting down or best case she has a stone. He put her on Simplicef antibotic and rimadyl for pain. He wanted to see her vet records where she came off the track not sure why?????? But we are unable to get them I don't know how she was a return and I picked her up from the previous owners and they did not give the paperwork back,( I immediatley fell in love and she was ours) and I have not been able to get in touch with the group. Needless to say the vet thinks it could be her kidneys and we will find out when the blood work comes back. Then the next step will be having a MRI done, and I am not sure from there, he said we have to treat this agressively and he will let me know as soon as the blood work comes back. He said it was better to take her home and let her rest. She is sleeping now, bless her heart after a very eventful morning. I am sooo Worried please keep Sophie in your prayers.
  16. Please can we ask that prayers be said for our Sophie.She peed with some blood in it, we have been giving Bo all the attention after he hurt his paws. But she started to cry this evening more than usual she does whine a lot. My dh took her out and saw that she had blood in her pee, we ran to the vets right before they closed and they did a stool sample and a urine test and we are going back in the morning for more blood test, if she gets worse we have to take her back tonight. She is very weak and she is not walking around or playing like her usual self. I am sooooo WORRIED. Poor baby I was taking care of her brothers paws and she was sick, and trying to get my attention, I feel soooo BAD. Does anyone else have any experience with this? This has been one bad week for my babies, I just pray the other two stay well. They all are on home rest till everybody gets well again.
  17. Hi SC Peeps! I used to live in Greenville (many moons ago), my husband was from Anderson, and my FIL still lives there. Is there an adoption group in Greenville or Anderson? I don't get back there much but if I ever do, would love to meet some of you. Pat in Kansas Since I have been in South Carolina, I moved here from PA. the two groups that I have had excellent dealings with and are very helpful, please look up For the Hounds and their is a new group started that is going to be FANTASTIC and they are already doing some great work is Homeward Bound greyhounds , I can not brag enough about these two groups, of corse their is others out there but these two I have had the greatest experience with!!!! Please look up either one of these and I am sure you will be very HAPPY! I also would love to meet you and you can ususally see me volunteering with one of these groups. Or you can just PM ME Thanks so much for all the suggestions on the vets!!!!!!! I will be contacting one of them!
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