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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. Sending all good thoughts and prayers for great results!!!!!
  2. Can you please tell me who is your vet and why you reccommend them, I am looking for a new vet, the one I loved retired. (Zink) Since then I have not found one in my area that I really like, I have tried a few but just did not feel a connection. Any Referrals........
  3. Yes, there is a tractor Supply near me, never been in there, thanks so much for the suggestion. I will stop there at lunch, thanks so much! The pads were tore the skin was hanging off.
  4. That is Great News!!!!! But we will keep Chase on our prayer list.
  5. We are still praying for Carrier, please keep us posted. God Bless!
  6. I just saw this and I have to order the EMT, so I think I am off to Targets! Thanks!
  7. They do have to work their way up to a distance walk, but I have also found out it depends where they come from and how thick their coat is, we got Jasmine from Oaklahoma and when we got her, she had a very thick coat of hair from being in the freezing cold and then coming to SC, she is starting to do better as she is losing her coat. But when we first got her she was panting like crazy. We thought it was because she was nervous coming to new surrendings and this may have also been true but she kept panting and as she is losing her coat she is doing better. Good Luck, sorry if I was not a lot of help, just telling you my experience.
  8. We are praying for him! Please keep us posted.
  9. Thanks so much! These are all great suggestions. I am going to stop at Walmart on my way home from work and get some baby booties until the ther a paw ones come in! Also I am going to go on the site and order some EMT. I just can't stand to see him walking like that it is heart breaking.
  10. Thanks so much, it breaks my heart to see him like that and you just want to speed the healing process up. Thanks!
  11. I feel so bad my husband had his gas powdered car out yesterday that he races (big baby boy) praticing. I let the dogs out not knowing he was out there with that darn car, we never let them out when he is praticing or whatever you call it... Anyways the dogs started chasing it and and my grass is in horrible state right now due to the winter and the ground is hard. Bo slid and cut all 4 of his pads, I have been putting socks on it so he can go out, but is there any thing else I can do to speed the healing process and should I go to the vet do they have something to speed the process? This is breaking my heart seeing him walk like a cripple, we have to carry him if we go out on concrete and he is 90 pounds and very hard for me to carry. Any Suggestions....... Ohhhh and last night I ordered the Ther a Paw, I hope they come in fast!!!!!!
  12. This site is the BEST! I just made my contribution! I also thought this might need to be bumped for those that have wanted to give a contribution but did not know how. GREYTALK YOU ARE AWESONE!!!!!!
  13. I am so sorry! But know you gave them a wonderful life from that drainage pipe. You were their angel.
  14. Iam so sorry!!!!! Run Free beautiful girl.
  15. Please keep us posted. Sending lots of prayers and thoughts!!!!!
  16. She is beautiful. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. That is Fantastic! Great Name too.Wish you all the luck.
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