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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. We have had that at this house and we use the boot also. They work great. I am so sorry that he got hurt. Hope feels better real soon.
  2. I am so sorry, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Run Free Jupp
  3. We are praying for her and hoping for a positive outcome. Sorry we have no advise. We are so sorry she is soo sick.
  4. Thanks so much for your thoughts, it really does mean a lot! One day I know we will all be together again, my heart just breaks! Bo was soooo Young, but I will never understand,the unknown will always be the unknown.
  5. We are the old bodies, I am 42 and hubby is 48 and still going strong! We love our babies!
  6. Love the pictures! So happy you spoke, and welcome!!!!!! Hello Motch you are a cutie!!!!!
  7. In memory of Bo, please see below this is the way we want to remember our boy , not the boy we did not know...... I received the Ashes back today, I have been crying most of the day, and wanted to write a Special Memory but it has been too hard to express my feelings. Maybe one day I will be able to talk about this..... (But for now) Bo was my baby and I miss him more than he will ever know, I know he is having a blast in heaven above at the Bridge. We can't wait till the day comes that we can see our Bo again. I want to thank my guardian angel for all she did for Bo and our family and all the ones that sent well wishes and cards, that meant more than you will ever know. We have Bos ashes and they are in a cabinet in our dining room that over looks the river. Bo loved the water and we know it would have been his favorite place. We are thinking about one day planting a tree for him and Champ and putting their ashes in, by the river. Bo at home BO in the backyard at the old house. Bo at last years Birthday Party with his sister Sophie and brother Aladdin (he would have been 4- March 14th)
  8. I am so sorry!!!!!!!!
  9. Sending Prayers and white light! I am so sorry I have no ideal.
  10. Sending lots of prayers and white light.
  11. None, are listed yet? That I saw! I have to start getting my books out of a box, I brought them from the old house, and I was going to sale them in a yard sale, I will sell here once the site is up and running for listings. I was tired of ebay, I am so Happy you are starting this!
  12. I have used Destin on Sophie for the chafing and it worked GREAT! It is also very gentle it is for babies so I felt safe using it. I hope she gets better real soon. Bless her little heart.
  13. I hope she is feeling better and passed all the fruit. Bless her heart.
  14. I agree with everyone else this could be because he is still sooo Nervous! Changes will make them nervous! But like everyone else said if he is not in pain, he will get over it and be ok. Jasmine panted a lot when I first got her I got worried and took her to the vet and she was FINE!
  15. We will be praying for Dexter and I am so sorry, we will pray that it is not osteo.
  16. We are sending lots of prayers for Dee!!!!!!
  17. I am so Happy she is feeling better and hope that she continues to do better! Bless her heart.
  18. I am not sure what to do, SORRY!!!!! But hugs to both of you, I hope she feels better real soon.
  19. Thats greayt news!!!!!! We will keep praying for more greayt results ! Thanks so much for keeping us posted.
  20. He is absolutley stunning!!!!!! Love the eyes! Congratulations and we wish you all lots of Happiness!
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