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Everything posted by greyhead

  1. My deepest sympathy to your whole family.
  2. Reading back, I see about your mother. I got so fixated on Sam's blood work that I'd missed it! So glad to hear it.
  3. Kathy, when Shane's BUN and creatinine elevated and his specific gravity declined, similar to Sam's, we'd treated him for a UTI for months, and he was still leaking urine. An internist inferred that he had kidney disease and wanted us to put him on Proin and Elavil (for BP) as well as a low-protein food. That didn't feel right at the time -- and hasn't since -- for a couple reasons. Anyhow, we put him on prescription Royal Canin Medium-Protein Renal Food (as opposed to their low-protein version), and the leaking stopped. Every time I'd try to feed him some of Spencer's food (Natural Balance venison & sweet potato), including the last couple weeks mixing it in with his RC food, the leakage returns! So he basically does fine with no meds, just that special food. (We do make a gravy for it with canned food too.) I gather there can be too much salt in some forumals and even human foods. Wish I could be more help, but it might be worth a try. The food is pricey, but it saves us a lot on vet bills. With that very sudden change in your mom, I'd suspect an underlying physical cause, and I hope they find it. You're right, people don't develop true dementia overnight. A friend's grandma, for instance, became disoriented and ultimately comatose. Turned out she'd been on a no-salt diet, and her sodium level was so low it was going to kill her if they hadn't figured it out. While it was scary, it was an easy fix once found. Holding the best hopes for you and yours.
  4. A wonderful tribute to a lovely character. I'm so glad you and Sadie adopted each other! And I'm so very sorry for her sudden loss.
  5. We've had two thyroid GH's. Twelve hours is approximate, doesn't have to be totally exact. We give with meals just because it works out well for us. Perhaps the dosage is a little higher than it would have to be if we gave it on an empty stomach since, as someone pointed out, this med isn't used as efficiently if it's given with food. But retesting always showed that the dose was adequate. (They do retest at six weeks or so at the beginning, to be sure you're on the right track.)
  6. Spencer (IBD) never could take any kind of probiotic, including Fortiflora, without getting runny poo. We decided that Spencer got the good germs through his raw food anyway. Iron-stomach Shane does fine with them, on the other hand. I seem to remember knowing of other greyhounds who didn't do well with probiotics either, so maybe you should just trust what you're seeing and discontinue them. The Flagyl suggestions seems reasonable, too.
  7. Every profound good wish for you and Sam. Maybe you could ask for the vet to take a wiff of Sam's breath while he's there, so he'll know what you're talking about and perhaps be inspired to take it more seriously. And, yes, with 20/20 hindsight I'd suggest you do stay with him if he needs an ultrasound. (I can tell you're a calm person, which the staff should have noticed by now too.)
  8. I hope you can still feel his loving presence, though it's not the same.
  9. Charlie was a brave, sweet, and well-loved boy. You both inspired many and continue to do so.
  10. {{{Susan}}} Alan will never be forgotten.
  11. We've been pulling for you and Neko all along the way. Hope he continues to improve.
  12. I'm so very sorry. We all hoped it would be different. He was well-loved.
  13. I know that everything about Jabari's loss is painful and very, very hard. Your tribute to him is so beautiful. Run free, Jabari. You were well-loved.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's nice that she got to leave at home. Hugs to you and Tango.
  15. A month is a long time to be struggling, and he could hurt himself (strain something) by the effort and make it worse.
  16. She looks very sweet and was very lucky to land with you. I can't imagine coping with two losses so close together. And you still got it together to make this lovely tribute. My thoughts are with you.
  17. I've been distracted by my own stuff, but now checking back in and wishing you the best of luck in getting some answers. And it's so good that you can be there with him.
  18. Happy Birthday, Riddick. I remember you and thank your mom for sharing your magnificent puppiness with us. The only way to reduce the pain of your being gone is to glory in what you were when you were here.
  19. Heartfelt thanks to each and all of you for your posts here and in PM's. The way Spencer passed was very hard on him and on us, not what I ever expected and not worthy of him. (ETA: or anyone else, for that matter.) I always thought we'd be given clues that his time was short, and then he could have peanut butter, whipped cream, a cheeseburger...all the things his restricted diet didn't allow to even be sampled. This tribute was all we could do to push his ending from the forefront of our minds and think instead about who we'd been privileged to know. When someone important has passed, I've found it means a lot to have people around who knew who they were, what they were like. You've let me know that you get him, you know him, even if you didn't before. That is immeasurably comforting. We take none of this for granted and will never ever forget your kindness.
  20. Godspeed to your lovely, stoical, brave girl. I feel your pain.
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