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Everything posted by greyhead

  1. greyhead

    Fly Baby Dodge

    What a brave, handsome boy and a loving family. I'm so sorry he's gone.
  2. That's so great, Robin! Thanks for the update! (Things are going a little less well at our house. Internists around here don't want to help at all without surgery like Beau's.) Congratulations, Mary & Spencer
  3. I don't know how everybody is defining "help," but it seems implicit that she wants help, if only other people's experience for comparison or whatever relevant knowledge they can offer. What's confusing?
  4. That level of aggression is way outside any greyhound norm, as far as I know. But I have heard of it happening in a greyhound with brain inflammation. Can you schedule a vet or neurologist visit soon? Not that a behaviorist won't help, but it won't cure inflammation if present!
  5. I'm so very sorry that Kane had to leave. That beautifully done video has me feeling touched, tender and speechless. What a well-loved dog.
  6. Need to know how to test for protein-losing enteropathy (PLE). Is there a specific test of a certain title that's performed? Or is it an inference based on multiple values in the blood work? I'll spare you the reasons I need to know. But his regular vet is out today and cancelled our appointment. Other vet went ahead and did blood work and isn't aware of any particular test for PLE. I told her I'd double-check with GT. Thanks bunches! ETA: Never mind. I figured it out.
  7. I've always admired pretty Bailey in your siggie. Hope she responds well to the medicine! Hugs and prayers from our house.
  8. This has to be rough for all concerned. Hugs and scritches from the upper left corner.
  9. The antibiotic can cause the natural intestinal bacteria to get unbalanced; if diagnosis and treatment of this are delayed too long (e.g., months), IBD can result. And you don't want that. (If you want to know why, check my topics of last winter/spring about Spencer.) The problem with changing food, from my perspective, is that that in and of itself will produce D. You can lose a lot of time trying different foods and waiting to see if the D goes away. So if I had it to do over again, I'd have his poop tested for bacteria, and sooner rather than later. Good luck! Hope it's nothing.
  10. When Opie's up to it, why don't you bring him over to hang out with us. Our yard is nice and shady after dinner and not so big that he could get in any trouble! PM me for directions, etc.
  11. greyhead


    I think I'm probably almost as angry as you must be! I'm also very, very sorry.
  12. I'm sure you're in shock. Very, very sorry!
  13. I'm so sorry! Let us know how it goes at the vet, okay?
  14. Bye, Dad. You were the greatest dad and we'll always be proud of you. Shane
  15. Yes, thanks for letting us know. All sort of prayers that the vet gets to Soulman SOON! Spencer (also IBD) asks you to convey his love to Amber and Soul too when you can. That's him, waiting for good news.
  16. Greyt report! Keep up the good work and don't spare the B12!
  17. Just to elaborate on something I said earlier, I wasn't thinking of your vet holding a grudge so much. More like sometimes I see vets get lost when they can't do the procedure or take the step that is most likely to shed light on the situation and illluminate the way forward. If they can't do the best thing, and they're scared, they are afraid the next best thing or the third best thing won't work, and they don't suggest it. Just being human. An ultrasound could show a lot. Spencer had one a few months ago. It was $400, but this is Seattle and everything's ridiculously expensive. On top of that, the radiologist that performed it looked minutely at EVERY internal organ south of his throat. They were able to see tiny structures in the walls of the small intestine, for crying out loud, as well as minor abnormalities in his stomach. So I'm guessing that a quicky of the stomach could show what's what and probably for lots less than $400. Just offering this for comparison. People here were kind enough to ride the roller coaster with Spencer and I and I'm sure we're not the only ones happy to pay it forward. Today's developments are encouraging! Keep us posted. Praying for you!
  18. If a transfusion isn't forthcoming, a good shot of B12 does wonders. But it doesn't sound like your vet is generating lots of possibilities. Is the vet discouraged because of lack of MRI? Try not to let it rub off on you if that's what it is. Let the vet know you want to know what's possible. Doesn't mean you have to do it, just have the chance to consider it.
  19. Are they still keeping tabs on his kidneys?
  20. My heart goes out to you, hon. Hope you and Penny have a restful night.
  21. greyhead

    My Aunt

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  22. greyhead

    Rip Ears

    What a sweetheart... So sorry!
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