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Posts posted by 3greys2cats

  1. My Max had one like that and I tried to bandage it but found that it was better to put antibiotic cream to keep it from getting infected and keep off bandages so the air can get at it, my guy would not stop licking it so it took forever to heal :blush Skin tears are common here w/Max and every time I take to the vets, he gets stitches or staples and antibiotics but my vet always leaves the wound w/out dressing, hope this helps and Argos heals quick.

  2. I agree with PrairieProf. The cats were there first, and as you stated your children are attached to them. You've only had the dog for two months. Were you just looking for a reason to get rid of the cats? What happens in a few years if you get another dog and it won't get along with Caroline, is she out the door?


    When I looked into getting my grey NOTHING was more important than the dog being able to live safely with my two cats. I went in to the adoption process fully prepared to return a hound that was too interested in the cats. Her behavior the first night had me on edge, but as her initial curiosity faded (being slapped once by a cat helped) within a day we didn't have to return her. Just this morning I was cuddling the dog on the sofa while I watched TV with one kitty purring happily laying on top of me and the other curled up on top of the sofa.


    Return Caroline. It's not fun, but it's your responsibility to provide your family and cats with a comfortable and safe home. Like others have said, it's not a failure on your part if the dog doesn't work out. It will, however, be extremely shameful if you dispose of the cats to keep the dog.



    I agree wholeheartedly w/this! We have 2 Greys and 2 cats and cats were here 1st and their safety was 1st, they all get along wonderfully. Caroline will be better off in a home w/out felines and there are plenty of Greys who are cat-safe that need homes too.

  3. Sorry does not seem adequate, so much heartbreak in such a short period of time for you both. Both tributes were beautiful, may you find peace in the love that you shared w/Peanut, she is looking down on you now and running pain free w/Smiley and all her friends. :f_pink:f_pink

  4. My family, wife, daughter and self, adopted a 3 year old female greyhound at the end of Jan 10'. She, Choko, has bonded well with my wife and daughter, but as for me still distant. When I take her for a walk I'm her best friend, but around the house it is different. She will come to me when called, but soon heads for her bed. Have had some moments of hysteria, what I read on another forum as the greyhound scream of death or GSOD, which has started a feeling of wanting to return the dog. Some of those moments; When I told her to stay, and took hold of her collar she yelped and snapped at me, and most recently tried to cut her nails. Cut two nails on one front paw, no problem then touched the other paw and got the GSOD which turned into cowering from me. Today was chasing her around in the backyard and when she came in went to wipe her front paw and GOSD and went into another room. Wiping her paws is not new, we do that after ever walk without any troubles including this morning. I went into the room she was in and called her again to wipe her paws in the same place and way as after walking, big mistake total freak out! Acted as if I was beating her with a club.


    I was the one that wanted the dog not my wife and daughter, but it is not working out so far. I need some suggestions on how to deal with this problem, please.


    If you adopted a dog and all members of the household weren't in agreement, that was your first mistake. The second is thinking that you can have a bond this early, especially in light of what has gone on.


    I'm not trying to be harsh with you, but really, what did you expect would happen? Look at this for a moment from the hound's perspective. Everything she has ever known about life, routine, and survival has gone out the window. Nothing in a racing greyhound's past prepares it for life in a home or the bizarre expectations placed on a dog living in a home. You're expecting this hound to fit into your life and not be a bother. At the same time, you're not expecting much of yourself or the other household members. IF you want the hound to trust, bond, and learn the ropes of a household, you have to have patience, give her guidance, and show her the ropes. If you can't figure out why she screams, doesn't trust you, etc., ask yourself why you're chasing a fearful hound who already doesn't trust...and why you think that would make her more likely to trust you...it doesn't make sense.


    Hounds are like children. They need nurturing. They need patience. They need to be baby stepped through the new things in life. They need to have parameters set and to respected. I'll bet your daughter didn't come fully trained, understanding all of your expectations of her and potty trained to boot. Why would things be different for a dog? You give them the tools to succeed and they will.


    Right now you're expecting more of the hound than of the people. Until that changes, none of you will be happy.



    I totally agree w/this. Greyhounds are not for everyone, they are sweet gentle souls and do not respond to being grabbed by the collar and will retreat when they feel threatened. If you feel that it is not working out, maybe the best decision is to call the adoption group and return this grey.

  5. Jordan, I am so sorry, I know you have been struggling w/this little guy for soo long, you did love him and give him everything you could. I am glad that I got to meet him, even if it was from acroos the room. Your picture of him is just beautiful. Godspeed Jared. :grouphug

  6. I am so very sorry for your loss. You made the most loving decision for her, she is pain free now and @ peace and running w/all the other grey angels. You will be in my prayers :grouphug. I have been in Ma Vet Referral Hospital with my Sara, the staff are great there, it's good that you were w/her there and it was peaceful.

  7. I am so sorry for your loss, Mel is a striking resemblance to my Rascal. He looked like he loved life and loved the greys too. I have also had cats for many years. Sending you hugs @ this difficul time :grouphug

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