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Posts posted by 3greys2cats

  1. My heart is broken for Jewell and I cannot stop crying :cry1. Brian and Sara, thank you for giving her comfort in her last hours on this earth and showing her the love she so deserved. My deepest sympathy and prayers, I can just imagine how painful it was to see her with that sadness in her eyes, just reading this has affected me and I will not soon forget her, God Bless.

  2. Oh Jordan, I am so very sorry for you and Dandi, you have been through so much this year and now this. I will be praying for Dandi and hoping he has an incident free night back home w/you and his family. He is a big boy, I can only imagine how helpless you must feel trying to get him upstairs, why are the babies sick on Holiday weekends, not fair :(:( Sending lots of healing thoughts for Dandi and many :grouphug:grouphug for you.

  3. Just seeing this as I was out of power for 4 days, I am so sorry Lindsay, I too followed her story, you did give her the best 10 months of her life and I am sure that she knew you loved her :cry1

  4. Jenn, I am so sorry to see Pretty Girl's name in this thread :cry1. You gave her the best last year of her life and it sounds like she knew you all loved her. Thanks for sharing her life w/us on GT, especially w/me, as I said before "things happen for a reason" and she fit perfectly w/you and your family. :bighug:bighug:bighug, you gave her the greatest gift one could give, love and quality of life until the end. My deepest sypathy to you and your family.

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