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Posts posted by 3greys2cats

  1. I agree w/BlackandBrindle. I also have 2 greys w/2 cats, both of my greys lived in foster homes 1st w/cats and when brought here neither reacted to the cats I have. Coming straight from the track, it is all new to your foster, especially seeing them jump/run. I would defintely muzzle and leash for any further introductions. I brought another one who was "cat safe" and had lived w/a cat and he stalked them and would not lose his gaze, they were petrified of him. I would watch his body language as well and his gaze, can he be distracted away and called off? Hope it all works out :)

  2. poor thing. I hope she feels better soon.


    Did the vet check for impacted feces when she was having the poop issues?



    Yes, she was fine and her fecal was not as hard as it would be if she was truly constipated. I think we're going to take the referral for the Neurologist. Our vet says they can not help us further - they just don't know what it is that's causing her so much pain.



    Lynn, you are in my prayers, hoping it is not neurological, unfortunately I do remember your other grey w/GME, we exchanged stories when Sara was sick. Sending lots of healing thoughts.

  3. Sorry that you had to experience that, I unfortunaely have witnessed many chipmunks, mice,birds being caught by my cats, never my greys though. I have bird feeders on the other side of my fence and the squirrels are on them all the time, Sara & Max see them on the feeders but can't get them, they charge the fence and bark but the squirrels fly from tree to tree. I had a cat door and they were bringing all their creatures in to show me :eek and all of them were alive. I saved many birds and chipmunks last summer but paid the price when I got bit by a chipmunk and needed a series of rabie shots :angry: I still get upset when a little creature is killed :( RIP squirrel

  4. I did ask if he thought it was GME, and he stated he did not as that was not supposed to be responsive to steroids, and what she has apparently is responding to steroids. At least I am 90% sure that is the reason he gave, I made sure to ask about GME, and he discounted it.


    GME, given that it's an inflammatory disease, usually does respond to steroids, depending upon the type of GME that is present. It responds (to a variable degree) to drugs which will suppress the immune system -- including steroids.


    Encephalitis can also be due to infection, but I'm sure your vet ruled this out by testing the fluid obtained from his lumbar puncture.



    I agree w/Jordan here, when Sara was diagnosed in 3/07 w/GME, her neurologist did an MRI and the spinal on the same day. The MRI showed several areas of lesions/inflammation and it was determined to "most likely" be Multifocal GME. The results of the spinal indicated high white cell count. She started her on prednisone, 2 antibiotics, pepcid and carafate. Three days later she had a cluster of seizures and was not coming out of it so her neurologist admitted her back into ICU and injected her 1st round of chemo drugs(Cytarabine). For Sara's case of GME(inflammatory brain disease)she needed the prednisone & chemo drugs & phenabarb & the antibiotics were discontinued after 2 weeks. She stayed on prednisone (high dose) and chemo injections for 10 months. She has been off the meds entirely since 1/08 and has not had any relapse of her condition. She literally had to be carried, could not walk w/out wobbling and falling over, she would just lay in her crate when 1st diagnosed. I have only heard of a few Greyhounds that have survived this/ most have had relapses and had to continue w/prednisone. Prednisone is used to supress the immune system and reduce imflammation but sometimes another med can be added such as a chemo drug.

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