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Posts posted by 3greys2cats

  1. I am so truely sorry to hear of your loss of Tally, may your memories bring you a sense of comfort @ this difficult time. Your story of his life w/you, Howard and Michael has touched my soul. It seems that God sent him to you and what a wonderful life he did have. Run free Tally w/all the other angels :gh_run:gh_run

  2. Oops! Sorry 'bout that. The Galga Queen is doing fine. The TP tube is gone, and I'm just putting a bandage over what's left of her tail. She's not wagging, but because of her long, skinny, sweeping tail, her wags have been slow and long -- more like a swipe. Hopefully she'll figure out a new wag style. She's already maul...er, hugged me several times. She's been good about letting me handle her tail-ette to rebandage it. The wound looks good. The biopsy report should be in later this week.







    :wub::wub::wub: Glad to hear that she is in in good spirits and still hugging(mauling)you!!!

  3. Prayers for Chase, hoping she makes a quick recovery and is soon living in the lap of luxury. Lindsay, you are a God send to all the Greys, thank you for caring for them, it is a huge task as so many seem to be returned @ the same time :( Keep up the greyt work, you are an amazing person!!

  4. You are a good greyhound mommy, puting your house on the market it is a huge step(IMO), as a Realtor in NH/MA, I know it can take time to attract the right buyer, but it will happen :colgate. My Sara who is 9.5 now has had problems navigating stairs and there are lots of them here, Colonial on a hill and stairs to get in from garage too. She overcame a year(2007-2008 on chemo meds, prednisone and pheanbarb from GME and I had to carry her up and down deck stairs, hard on me! I have carpeted stairs inside and treads on all stairs going out and coming in. She stands @ the top and cries sometimes until I coax her and she hates the ones that lead from deck to back fenced yard, they are open back. I bought a Chrysler Town and Country van because she could not get up into the Highlander and I still lift her back end into the van. I agree w/the thinking that it is wise to continue walking, keeping muscle tone is very important, the glucosamine helps joints, you are doing the right things! I also walk in the woods and on grass instead of pavement, it's easier on old bones. :grouphug to Elsie, it is tough havin a young mind but older body!

  5. Yep, Max just finished a 2 week round of antibiotics for a skin infection and today he tore his dew claw, 2nd time this year for this same foot, back to the vet today, they injected lidacaine and cut the hanging piece off. If he did not bleed all over the floor and carpet I would not have known he was hurt, he was running outside and barking his fool head off @ the Labs next door, probably tore it running, cold hard ground and tight turns.

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