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Posts posted by 3greys2cats

  1. Roberta, it's so great that you posted. Sara is the poster girl for GME, and I hope her successful remission will give Anne hope that Kylie, too, can get there.


    Anne, try to not be overwhelmed by everything you read and hear. Yes, GME is a complex disease, but it can often be controllable. Asking your vet about whether he plans to start Kylie on some type of chemotherapy or immune modulating medication (so Kylie can eventually be tapered off prednisone) would be a good thing to do, when your brain clears from the roller coaster it's been on the past few weeks.


    And if Kylie is started on one of these medications, there are pharmacies (like Costco online) selling many of these drugs for far less than the veterinary hospital would charge. I'd be happy to help you find a good price if needed.


    Hang in there, and just take it one day at a time. And if you feel discouraged, think about Roberta and Sara. :)



    Thanks Jordan! Sara continues to amaze us and every day is a gift w/her in our life.


    Anne, I agree w/Jordan, even if Kylie is in the beginning stages, some type of chemotherapy is worth asking the vet about, I have yet to hear of a success story that did not involve the chemo drugs along w/pred. You are both in my prayers.



  2. Anne, I just was reading your update, so it is GME, exactly what I thought, same symptoms as Sara. Besides the prednisone and doxy and diarrhea med, is she on any other drug for the inflammation such as cytarabine (chemo drug, kills the white cells). Poor Kylie, GME is a nasty brain disease, it is immune generated, it is not viral. The cytarabine is what had the most effect on killing Sara's high white cell count and bringing down the inflammation in her brain that was in her cerebellum, that is the part of the brain that controls their coordination. I am praying that Kylie continues to improve, it is a slow process, but hopefully your vet can push it into remission. When Sara was 1st diagnosed, I made the mistake of reading about GME online, prognosis was not good but she has lived 2 more years since her initial onset. Thinking healing thoughts for Kylie.

  3. I am so sorry this happened to Diamond, sending prayers for your baby to heal physically and emotionally. As for the owner and her pit, put them both down!!!!!!!! I am sick of hearing about loose dogs attacking other dogs, I too have a few screwball owners who let their dogs loose in the park near me, one who lets his German Shepard run next to his car @ the park while he drives around, an accident waiting to happen. He ran up in back of us when we were walking one day, scared the sh** out of me as I was attacked by one when I was 10 yrs old, I screamed at him to get out and told the owner that I would hurt him if he even touched my dogs. Now when he sees me, he does not let his dog out until we are back in the car. You should go after this woman w/a vengeance, get signatures if need be to have the dog put down.

  4. Welcome from New Hampshire! What an incredible story of compassion. This story just made my day, thank you for taking in this older boy, he will return the love you have given him tenfold. This forum is simply the best place to come for anyone who loves greys, they are intoxicating in the best way. Can't wait to see pictures of your grey.

  5. Welcome from New Hampshire, Hobbes is beautiful and sounds like he is loving retirement :colgate. This forum is truely the best place to go for anyone who loves greyhounds and all of their endearing qualities. Both of mine chatter when they are anticipating or excited about something.

  6. Welcome from Pelham, NH, both of my greys are from GPA NH too! I am sorry to hear that Jay is having trouble with his leg, I have not had experience w/his diagnosis but my Sara was on prednisone for a year when she was diagnosed w/GME. This is a great place to come for support, hope he is feeling better soon.

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