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Posts posted by 3greys2cats

  1. GME / Granulomatous Memingoencephalomyelitis is an inflammtory disease of the central nervous system, brain & spinal cord. The symptoms are what you are describing, loss of balance, head tremors, loss of appetite, lethargic, will progress to seizures if it is multifocal. My Sara was diagnosed in 2007 by a Neurologist @ Ma. Vet Referral Hospital, she had an MRI and Spinal and her MRI showed inflammation in her cerebellum(affects their gait) and spinal column. Hoping it is not that, not fun, I would have her bring her Grey to a Neurologist ASAP. It can be put into remission, not cured, my Sara is 4 years past her diagnosis, after a year on meds, prednisone, cytarabine, and phenabarbitol, metronidizale, she is symptom free :colgate

  2. I am so sad to read this, Becky(Piglet)was loved by many, so sorry she had to leave this earth. I remember the pictures of her new Chariot, she looked so happy in it. My deepest sympathy to her family :f_pink. Run free Piglet :gh_run:gh_run:gh_run

  3. I am so sorry to hear of Rainey's health problems :( how horrible to have the personality changes along w/the rest of her condition, my heart goes out to you. I have only experienced neuroligical problems once with my Sara and it was the worst year for us. We had an MRI and spinal done when Sara presented w/ataxia, truncal sway, seizures, could not walk. She was diagnosed w/ multifocal GME which is a type of meningitis, she had inflammation in several areas of her brain and spinal column, she was on pheno, prednisone, & cytarabine(cancer drug ,chemo) and 2 different antibiotics to start with before they got spinal results back and also pepcid, carafate for her stomach. She was crazy hungry all the time between the pred and pheno and would whine and pace and pant, she would pull snacks away from my 85 lb male, which is totally not her personality and she needed to pee every 2-3 hours and needed to be lifted up w/a harness up and down all the stairs until she could walk again w/out falling over, stessful would be an understatement. I think @ this point w/all you have been through, I would get another MRI, there could be something there that was missed. The poor baby is suffering and you all are too :grouphug:grouphug. I will keep you in my prayers

  4. I believe that you made the right decision, try not to beat yourself up :grouphug:grouphug , Phaeton will get another home hopefully w/out small animals and he will be happier. There are many cat-safe hounds out there and I am sure there will be one for you. I have 2 greyhounds that came here with my 2 cats and neither of them showed any interest in my cats from that 1st day and mine are active, running in and outside. I brought in a 3rd hound who had been deemed cat-safe and he exhibited the same behavior as Phaeton, I could not keep him, he wanted those cats in the worst way and I cried like you all the way back to the foster coordinators home. I brought in a kitten and my Sara was very curious so I kept the kitten in his own room when I would leave for the 1st few months and watched them very closely.

  5. He is so new to your home, only 8 days, just give him time to figure out his new environment :colgate Greyhounds do love to sleep, they have made an art out of it :lol! Max was our 1st and he has been here over 6 yrs, he is not interested in toys @ all, he tried playing w/them as I bought him a whole basket full, it's not in his personality, he started roaching in his crate the 2nd week, he goes nuts over going for a walk and going anywhere w/me in the car, he adjusted very quickly to home life, us and the cats. Sara came next and she loves toys, she came to me from her foster home w/one toy in her mouth, she inherited all of Max's and now has a chest full. She is a fun girl who used to sleep on the couch w/us when we 1st got her, not as much anymore. Max would not run in the yard we had fenced for him until Sara came, he is an independent guy who really would have been fine as an only, no SA, Sara needs a buddy, she kept trying to sleep w/him, he wanted no part of that :lol. Sounds like Ron is doing fine but just needs time to open up.

  6. Did you look into this, or are you just forwarding something?


    My little 7 pound cat has had several shots of Convenia. I can't imagine why you'd give it to a dog, but have you ever tried to pill a cat for 14 days twice a day? With some cats, it's virtually impossible to do once, never mind 14 times.


    Yep, same problem here, I end up w/claw marks every time I have to give antibiotics, and 14 days of that, no fun.

  7. As far as know it's only effective for 7-10 days. We have used it many, many times (primarily in cats ) w/o incident. We often use it in kitties that owners just can not give oral meds. IMO it's way too expensive to dose it for dogs. Not saying reactions aren't seen to this drug-just haven't seen it in our practice. We have been using it seen it's release.



    We used it for our cat when he got an infection from a wound right before we were leaving for Dewey this year and it worked out great, I was worried that our pet siiter could not orally administer his pills, he is awful w/meds.

  8. As far as her interaction with other dogs, sounds perfectly normal to me. Why do you feel the need to "work" with her behavior to admittedly rude dogs? Greyhounds are unlike any other dog in that they communicate the way dogs are designed to communicate. We as humans mess this up when we raise them in our house to be pets. A dog can communicate in a few ways, one of which is a growl. We as humans don't like this and curb this behavior. So what happens then, you have a hound that has one less method of communication and should you miss the early signs (such as yawning, lip smacking, tail tuck, or numerous other subtle signals), they only have the last option which is the mouth. When other dogs jump up in my dogs faces, I tell the dogs OWNER to take care of their hound, otherwise MY hound will correct them, and thats all it is, a correction. When your dog growls, snarls and eventually gets to the point where they "air snap" (very different than an attack) it is not your dogs fault, or even wrong of your dog to do this. The other dog needs to understand that the behavior is unacceptable. Unfortunately nearly everyone with small dogs thinks their dogs are "just saying hello", whereas in dog language this is puppy behavior that the momma dog usually takes care of (again, a problem with humans raising dogs to be pets and not allowing dogs to learn how to be dogs).

    You should take heed with the low growl that is barely audible, that coupled with the raising of the lip to bear the teeth is a prelude to a bite. I would use a squirt bottle on your cats to keep them away from your hound.

    I do believe your method of removing your hound from furniture and such when growling is very appropriate. Personally I don't give any new hound furniture privileges until about 6 months or so anyways.

    Your hound will have a constant change of personality over the next months and even years. Enjoy and keep asking questions here.





    I agree w/this 100%. My Max gives warning growls when the cat rubs up against his soft crate which is screen so it is like the cat rubbing against him. Queenie(older cat)knows she is really pushing it by doing this :lol so I always correct the cat not Max. Right now w/all the snow and everyone confined to the house more including the cats, I have had to re-introduce the spray bottle w/ the cats to show what the boundaries are. When I walk Max & Sara and we are approached by an off leash dog that is heading toward us aggresively, I use my stern voice to scare it off, there is a Golden Retreiver puppy that is on an invisible fence and she runs @ us and gets in their face until my 2 growl @ her, she wants to play and they are not interested, I don't reprimand them for growling as they are warning her! The owner is an idiot and does not get that this pup is gonna get hurt eventually. Sounds like it's still all new to your pup and her personality is just emerging :colgate

  9. I am so very sorry to read this, your tribute to Tina was so eloquently put. I remember seeing her @ the reunion and the costumes were so cute. My deepest sympathy to you and your family @ this difficult time :bighug:f_red. Run free sweet girl :gh_run:gh_run

  10. Poor Chase, sending lots of prayers for her. I cook all kinds of concoctions for my 2 hounds and when Sara was sick, she was on carafate(liquid through syringe), not sure if that has been mentioned, she was on pepcid too. I boil chicken livers and sprinkle over their kibble, they inhale it, chicken w/bland gravy(flour w/chicken broth), lean beef(stewing) and I make lean ground turkey w/multigrain pasta. Hoping she is feeling better soon.

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