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Posts posted by 3greys2cats

  1. I am so sorry that you have to go through this w/Soul, I feel for you having been through awful times w/Sara and her GME, it is really hard to watch them suffer. I think it is ok. to have a good cry, it cleanses the soul and a rainbow is always on the other side, you will feel better and Soul will benefit from that. You and Soul are in my prayers, it's good that he is sleeping.

  2. Ohh I feel for you, my Sara was on pred. for 10 months as part of a treatment for GME, she had me up every 2 hrs and was peeing on her bed, she was on phanabarbitol too and she drank full bowls of water all day, finally until she was weaned down, I realized that I could limit her water w/out dehydrating her and I would give her ice chips too, this helped a lot and I finally was able to get more sleep, I had to sleep downstairs on the couch rather than go up and down all night and she slept next to me on her bed, it will get better when they reduce the mg of the pred, hang in there!

  3. Welcome to the wonderfully addictive world of being owned by greyhounds!



    My wife and I (and 3 kids) adopted our first Grey 5 weeks ago.


    Zanier (Zanier Martinez) is a black male, ~78 lbs.

    RB Silver Streak x Helles Belle

    born 3/21/03 5 yrs old




    3 weeks later we knew he needed someone to keep him company. We agreed to "foster" a return, Mysti. Yeah, right. She is our girl now.


    Mysti (Nitro Mystique) is a shy little girl, ~64 lbs.

    Oshkosh Slammer x Go Bon Lets Roll

    born 7/16/03 5 yrs old




    I am still absorbing every bit of knowledge I can, even after researching greyhounds for 2 weeks before we adopted. I ran across this site 2 days ago and havent stopped reading yet.


    I have tried all kinds of food/treats after surfing here for the last couple days. Neither Grey likes bananas or marshmallows, and only Mysti likes turkey necks.


    Thanks for a great forum to be a part of!


  4. Tony, so sorry to here about your loss of your beloved friend Echo. You have come to the right place for advice on this wonderful breed. Having been a former cat lady, I researched a lot before making this decision to adopt a grey and it sounds like you understand the concept of building up to time alone and crating. With my 1st grey, I crated while I was away and spent the 1st 2 weeks leaving for short periods of time and letting him get used to it, he was fostered 1st and did not have a problem w/crating. At the time I had a varied schedule and could come back home often to check on him, within 2 weeks he adjusted to being left out in entire house, never had any accidents, only twice in 4 years, diarhea in basement(sick). I agree w/many that it depends on the Greyhound, they are all different but one thing for sure, they are all gentle souls just waiting for someone to love them, always appreciative of what they get. I hope you do choose to adopt one of these beauties and stay connected to this forum, great people and greyt dogs!!!

  5. How is Jazz doing, just saw this post. It does sound neurological, it is heartwrenching to watch loss of control, went through this w/my girl Sara las year but she had a different diagnosis(GME) which is an inflammatory brain disease. I will pray for Jazz, hope he is doing better today.

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