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Everything posted by 6greyhounds

  1. She is doing greyt and still trying to run. I have to watch her like a hawk. Keep checking her leg and it is healing still on her antibiotics and will be for 5 more days
  2. That girl has run on her brain. I have to watch her like a hawk she even goes down the cellar looking for an out
  3. yes it seems any more the only news I get is bad news
  4. I was scared to death but she is a known escape artist. By her getting out in Ohio she ended up in a kill shelter and while we have had her she has escaped a few other times Zanesville, Ohio when she felt her leash was loose Dravosburg, PA again when she felt her lease was loose and was running the ball fields thos young firemen were exhausted trying to catch her. She did not read the sign saying "NO DOGS" Jackson, FL got out the door at a retired gh farm and was running the track that had not been used in years Here - once when my grandson forgot to close the gate, another time when I was taking a large package out of the house, and this last escapade.
  5. Good news on EZ - Blood test for KBr was done on Thursday the day of his appointment with his neurologist and the his neurologist has decreased his KBr from 4.1 ml to 2 ml per day. Also I found a pharmacy that will compound this med for him in capsule form and instead of 2/day of 500mg he only gets 1/day 500mg. This will be easier for me instead of measuring the liquid dose. Now praying that the KBr will keep him seizure free.
  6. Hershey got out of the yard on Sunday and I was frantic. I kept going out to the front of the house looking for her and she came back finally got her in the yard. When she wanted back out I saw where she was heading to the corner of the yard where the fence meets the wall of my neighbor's yard. There was a small gap that she was getting out of. I fed her and noticed drops of blood on the floor, checked her out and found a gash on her leg and an abrasion under her chin. Put a pressure bandage on her leg and decided to get her checked out at the ER vet, did not want to risk an infection. When we got there there were more injuries discovered by parents of a pup that was in the ER on her backside. On initial exam the vet thought she might of been hit by a car so to be safe he did a chest x-ray and drew blood for a liver enzyme both were negative. She did not have the classic injuries to her paws and nails that an animals has when hit by a car of digging the nails in to the ground/pavement so now they think she might of done most of the injuries by squeezing through a tight space. On antibiotics, anti inflamatory med and pain meds.
  7. With tears Xan I am so sorry over your loss. Your sweet baby is with all our Angels and I have a feeling David was waiting for her to let her know how much you love and miss her. Again as I said in my e-mail you can rant and rave all you want I am here for you as you have been here for me when I needed someone Hugs Beryl Xan I wish I lived closer so you could use this shoulder of mine. She is not alone she has a lot of company, she is free to run with all our angels
  8. Xan ranting will help - as you I have ranted quite a bit with my problems and the loss of not only my pups my dh and my children Love, Hugs and I hope a broad shoulder for you to lean on. Beryl
  9. neuro vet that EZ sees said her x-rays are okay not disc problem. Please that she is eating and acting almost normal - he was consulted about Hershey
  10. Oh Xan I am so sorry for you I have so involved with my own grief I have not had a chance to read all the posts. Please know that I am thinking of you and offering up some prayers to St. Francis for Happy. Also I know David will there to meet Happy at the Bridge along with all of our other angel. With love and remember I do care even though I do not do a lot of posting Beryl,
  11. took her milk bone and ate it last night this am ate her breakfast and tonight I am going to try her regular food. She is a trip to pill, EZ takes his in cream cheese not her I have to ram them and if it is two pills at one time she manages to spit one out. The softened food is working also so hopefully we can do it the regular way tonight and the rest of the rice/chicken I will share with Penske and EZ if she eats
  12. If she takes her milk bone tonight that will be a very good sign
  13. When I got back from the funeral Home this evening Hershey ran up stairs and took her people cracker treat which she had not been taking. Hope this is a good sign that she is on the road to recovery
  14. got her to eat again tonight and she was waiting in the kitchen to be fed this evening. Seems to be a little better
  15. Hershey ate for me last night the rice/chicken and again this am and I managed to sneak in a couple spoons of canned food. I have dry food soaking now will try that later. She did have a slight fever of 1 degree above normal but was normal when discharged from the vets. Hope it is not her disc and that the antiinflamatory med will work. She is also on pain meds. Stiff legged walking has improved but is still not her normal self and not barking like she usually does
  16. Hershey had not been acting right for a couple of days. Sometimes she does have a little snit of not eating and doing her own thing. Yesterday she only ate half of her daily food and was just laying around and acting listless. At first I thought she was feeling my emotions about Sandi's passing. This morning would not touch any of her food and was worse than the day before of not wanting to move around and looked as if she was walking stiff legged. I decided to take her to the ER vet which is closer than my regular vet and I knew she would be seen sooner than if I went in to my vet. The discovered she was running a slight temp, decided to do blood work, that came back with elevated white cells but not high enough to be concerned. While examing her the vet discovered that she was very sore in her neck so with the elevated white cells he decided to x-ray and was concerned about one of her discs so he consulted with a neuro vet and they both agreed that it could me an anomaly(sp?). They both thought she might have an inflamation so she is on an anti inflamatory med and pain meds. They are waiting for the radiologist to read the x-rays and will contact me if it is a disc problem. Told me to feed her soft or canned food. Tried that would not eat so out came the pots and a made her chicken and rice and got her to eat that. I will probably make her beef and rice on Thursday after EZ sees his neurologist and I have to give him report on Hershey. Will it ever end for me. Funeral on Wednesday and hope everything will run smoothly
  17. Glad to be back on even tho I don't post that much anymore but still read a lot of the posts. I thought my puter was acting up again
  18. so far so good for EZ and his human managed to make it to work today for 3 1/2 hours am resting my leg and taking it easy. All I am going to do this evening is sew on a couple of greyhound coats
  19. I have positve thoughts about EZ that maybe tweaking up his pheno might get him back to seizure free. Praying to St. Francis that he will
  20. I guess I have to wait for at least 15 days from the last seizure to see if the tweaking of his pheno will work. It was 15 days between the two seizures. At least he did not have one from stress in the kennel and as someone posted earlier from relaxing at home. Slept in bed with me last night. I am also wondering about Hershey all night long her body is twitching but the legs are not moving. Will have to talk to the vet, she sleeps with me and vibrates the whole bed weighs about 55 lbs..
  21. Thank you Lucy. We are all home and EZ is stretched out on my bed so I am praying now that there will be no seizure and that by tweaking up his pheno he wil be okay
  22. Can't wait until Monday 9 am to get my babies - worry about EZ the kennel said that stress might cause another seizure. Poor kids have not been kenneled since I adopted them but I had no choice and this is a greyhound savy kennel they are associated with Steel City Greys
  23. Thanks Linda that would of been greyt saying they were therapy dogs. I am thinking of getting Penske in a class as a few people thought he would be greyt even tho they have done pet therapy in the past but are not certified.
  24. So far so good for EZ since we tweaked up his meds. Had to kennel him and Penske and Hershey as I was admitted to the hospital and the kennel has reported all well and good. This kennel (Golden Bone) is greyhound savy and are also involved with Steel City. I can get my babies Monday and I will have a very lonely night tonight
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