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Everything posted by 6greyhounds

  1. Love the togetherness in the pic - Ember hugs from Her Majesty Queen Softee and family
  2. Michelle just called Eclipse doing well. rooed a littlt, wagging tail, eating small meaks but prefers mom's cooking, laid in the sun, walking a little and still has some pain An e-mail I just found Eclipse came home yesterday!! It was a rocky eve; up every 3 hours. But I kept taking him out to pee pee and giving him pain meds to help with the pain. I slept on a sleeping bag near him and on the couch; he was either on his bed or my sleeping bag. I'm tired but happy and I think he feels better today! I got a tail wag and a little roo when I rooed!!! LOL
  3. I just joined Circle and have been following her progress and so glad you have her home she will certainly be more comfortable with you. Such a beautiful girl you have. Hugs and white light from Her Majesty Queen Softee and family
  4. Just received a phone call from Michelle - would you believe Eclipse is on his way home. Vet said he was doing good and was restless and would not lie down so they told Michelle and Darren to come and get him.
  5. he got his good looks from his sire Flying Penske and his grand sire Oshkosh Racey
  6. Latest from Michelle - last night Eclipse was up and walking around and I received this e-mail this am which is short and sweet I can't believe how nice everyone is being! Darren will be so happy too!!
  7. I have to see if I have a picture of him. I think I have one of him on Photo Bucket I will go look Eclipse, with the hat at his 6th. birthday with uncle Highway
  8. will post when ever she sends me news and it is getting set up just read a post
  9. Here is the latest e-mail from Michelle Eclipse just came out of surgery. He is doing well, just waking up. Darren and I will get to visit him tomorrow morning at 9:30 am and meet with Dr. Neihaus in Dr. Goring's office. Clipsie will most likely stay there until Monday; and will be monitored in the emergency vet clinic this weekend because it is housed in the same building as Dr. Goring's surgery group. Thank you everyone!!!! Love, Michelle and Darren
  10. just in from Michelle THANK YOU Beryl! I read this; very nice posts!! I remember speaking to Bonnie's mom! Bonnie is a small black female who looked great! Her mom had her in one of the hotel rooms at Dewey. (She has another grey named Racey Gracey?! You should ask about that one's background! LOL) Tell her and Xan thank you! I still have not heard from Dr. Goring's yet...and it is after noon Fri I sent her the thread so that she could read everything that you wonderful, loving, caring greyhound lovers are writing.
  11. we are on the same wave length - now it is wait and see for both Eclipse and my dh
  12. no news yet will keep you posted they did not do surgery yesterday vet had 3 emergencies sure they will do it today. This vet was highly recommended by a former breeder/owner. If anyone has or knows Jams hounds then you know who I am talking about - I have two Jams Breadwinner and Jams Beryl P (yes she was named after me)
  13. Shell told me about your conversation and I have told her about some other people who have had tripods. I am trying to help them out and just hope that Eclipse makes it through the surgery. I know that Darren & Shell are good parents and Eclipse shares his bd with his dad.
  14. Her Majesty Queen Softee would like you to pray for her nephew Eclipse who has Osteo. His parents are Michelle and Darren Browner of Jacksonville, FL. He will undergo his amputation either today or tomorrow his surgeon had an emergency so it is not know yet when this will happen. Darren is in the Navy so they are a little strapped for money and I am trying to figure out something to help them either by doing an auction somewhere (I do have the thunder coats) or asking if anyone would like to donate for the surgery or do you know of any group or organization that would help them give this boy a chance. He is also half brother to my Penske and EZ and lives with his Uncle Highway who is also Her Majesty's half brother. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
  15. 6greyhounds


    Run free Shasta and now you can win all your races baby girl
  16. I am not familar with that product either we give Her Majesty Queen Softee GlycoFlex III that I get from KV Vet and is fairly reasonable compared to human glucosamine
  17. She was given the name of a vet by a breeder in Jax that he uses.
  18. A friend of mine posted this on another board and wanted me to post it here. She cannot get on this board due to her e-mail addy and she is a navy wife. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions please help her. Eclipse is limping. He's been having problems on and off for about a month now. I took him in for xrays and they said it was not arthritis and to leash walk him for 2 weeks. He does run around the house some when he first comes out of his crate. Could he have re injured it? We had a tropical storm blow through the last couple of days and Eclipse was acting very uncomfortable, grunting a lot, trying to get situated. He cries if he lays down on the sore leg. The dog said it is the shoulder. I thought it was the paw because he keeps it off the ground. So I guess putting any weight on it at all hurts it... Suggestions please if anyone has any knowledge about what could be wrong! Thank you, Michelle in Jax shell61257@yahoo.com Eclipse is Her Majesty Queen Softee's nephew and half brother to Penkse and EZ
  19. Never used advantix but I use BioSpot and have had no problems it also repels mosquitos
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