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Everything posted by marion

  1. I'm so very sorry for your sudden loss of your beloved, sweet Sandee... Run free sweet Sandee!
  2. marion

    Shiloh 1992-2004

    How could I have missed this post? Carol, I'm so sorry for your loss.... Run free sweet Shiloh !
  3. marion


    What a nice dedicatory for a greyt friend! I feel so sorry, but I know that Cody lived the happiest time of retirement with you. Run free, sweet Cody!
  4. marion

    She's Gone...

    She was an outstanding beauty! What a tragedy that you lost her... How old was she?
  5. marion

    She's Gone...

    My heart breaks for you, I feel so sorry for your loss....time will pass, but you'll never forget your beloved Trudy...
  6. marion


    Judy, I remember so well how happy you were with Susan and I remember too how much suffering you both went through before she crossed the bridge...time passes so quickly. I know you'll keep her always in your heart, God bless her sweet soul, run free Susan...
  7. I'm so very sorry for your loss! What a tragedy to loose him so unexpectedly...
  8. I think it's always difficult to obtain general information as every dog, every situation and every dog owner is different. There are many dogs that never, ever would develop any health problem due to vaccination and other dogs do develop reactions due to the nature and condition of their "system". These problems can occur directly after the shots or after a certain time when people don't think anymore about a possible correlation with the vaccine. I really wonder how many veterinarians do research about the origin of a health problem. Most vets just try to eliminate the problems by medicating, and that's what most dog owners expect them to do. My father is an excellent vet (now retired ) and although unfortunately or fortunately I didn't study the vet carreer, his respectful way of considering every living organism a natural unity have influenced my critical attitude considering overmedication and overvaccination.
  9. I think there are quite a lot of reactions to vaccines that dog owners just don't realise to be vaccine reactions. Normally people don't think in adversary reactions when taking their dog to the vet to get their annual shots. Later there are many dogs that are tired, get diarrhea, don't feel well or even show allergic reactions and the owners don't attribute these symptoms to vaccines. My female Soldi started having bloody colitis attacks when 9 months old. Every time she got a shot, she got colitis that same night and then again every 14 days. I haven't vaccined her for three years now. Her colitis has nearly disappeared, she gets it for one day every 2 months and without blood most times. I'll never vaccine her again as it seems to be an autoimmune issue that gets worse with vaccines. My male hasn't been vaccined for 4 years now. I personally don't believe in annual vaccines to be harmless for our dogs. I will vaccine every 3 - 5 years and provide a healthy diet and life.
  10. I have tears in my eyes, .....poor sweet boy "Lord Jake"...at least suffering is over...run free with all those thousands and thousands of unwanted greys whose valuable lives were just taken away by force....
  11. marion

    Senior Poem

    I've read this poem before, but it's precious!
  12. I thank all of you for your feeling words... I know that many of you have gone through the same tragedy, unfortunately our beloved dogs don't live all the time we would love them to share our lives... run free my sweet boy...
  13. marion


    That story is so heartbreaking...I feel so sorry for your loss
  14. Today is the 10th of January...one year ago this day was the last day of your life with us...you still enjoyed your breakfast, I took you to your favorite pasture and throw your beloved tennis ball, you stumbled slowly as your steps had become insecure due to your disease, but there was still that slight spark in your eyes, when you brought that ball back to me... when we walked back to the car, you fell off your side and you could hardly jump into the car, you fell off the back seat and I knew that my decision was well taken. At 14.00h the vet arrived at our home, you didn't even get up, it seemed that you were absent, I gave you a rawhide and you started chewing a bit, you didn't move when the vet gave you that first injection, you relaxed and seemed very peaceful, the following injection made you tremble a little... you had left us forever... I'll never forget you my beloved Gos.
  15. marion


    Oh, that's so sad...run free adorable Candy and meet my beloved sweet Borzoi "Nana" that died from a terrible tick disease too at the age of only two years...
  16. marion


    Judy, I understand you so very well...time passes, but we never forget them.
  17. My deepest condolences to you ...I feel so very sorry.
  18. My greys bark several times per day as they bark at all the people or dogs passing by our house...
  19. I feel so sorry for your loss, time passes but we can never forget...
  20. What a lovely cat you've lost... I feel so sorry ...
  21. marion


    I'm so sorry for your loss....
  22. marion


    That's so very sad, I feel so sorry for your loss, my deepest condolences...
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