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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Why not contact Dr. Couto for his opinion? He's an oncologist, so all cancers not just OS are in his field.
  2. Gee Jane, when it rains it pours. I still keep thinking about you and Joe and check this thread first thing in the morning.
  3. Oh poor baby. Have they kept him in ICU all this time? I hope you're hanging in there Jane. Don't let yourself get rundown.
  4. Because Pearl was on so many heart and BP meds and some high doses, and the others took different meds, I went out and got one of those daily pill containers and every Sunday, I put every one's meds in their respective containers. It just got too difficult to have to remember each morning and each evening who got what. It's a little easier now, with Pearl gone, but I still have meds for each and still use the pill dispenser.
  5. instead of xrays, what about an MRI, it would show a slipped disk. (it's expensive, but it would definitely answer your questions and save you from further xrays, tests, etc)
  6. Tiffany, I'm in NJ, just about an hour from you if you're in Philly. If U of Penn gives Annie a 'knock-out' shot, she should sleep for 9 hrs. That's how long it takes to get to OSU. I drove that twice this past year. (an OS dog and a Fibrosarcoma dog). It's an easy straight across Pa drive to Ohio. I would still consider it. If she sleeps the whole way, it's worth it. Good luck with whatever decision you make. It's going to be difficult no matter what. But remember you're doing it out of love for Annie. By the way, I have an NGAP dog. While I think they're terrific with dentals, I would not do an Amp there. Dr. King is the critical care person at U of Penn. She's been there for ages and is a most wonderful doctor. She took care of my Brindle 9 yrs ago.
  7. Oh Jane, he sounds like he's doing so well. I'm smiling here though. Remember when Diamond was evaluated? They all said that she would do fine as a tripod but would probably have a longer recover due to her age. She was up and walking the next day. Surprised the heck out of all of them. Then here comes your Joejoe.........half her age, and he has to be carried around. I loved that he screamed when he messed his bed.
  8. Jane, you can't think about the future. It'll drive you insane. Hey, I know, my girls have driven me nuts. But think of it as getting a second chance to love on him even more.
  9. You're now pain free Rachael. It is those of us left living that bear the pain of your loss.
  10. Actually, that was the biggest factor in my decision to amp. It scared the bejesus out of me, that I would come home to find a broken leg. I live alone, so if I were on a walk and it broke, I couldn't go get help either. Our walks are very rural. The first aid is what everyone is saying. Anything stiff can be a splint. Keep meds with you when you go for walks. And especially your cell phone.
  11. Opal's face was better this morning, but not back to normal yet. What's everyone's opinion. Just a delayed but bad reaction to one bee sting, or do I need to find a nest of ground bees? Her eyes were almost swollen shut. OH! I just had a revelation! I think I know what happened to Bwat (Opal). There was a pear in the house. From my pear tree. I bet there was a bee in there. Both Jade and Bwat like to eat pears from the orchard. Opal's done it for years. But has never been stung before. That would fit.
  12. Possibly. I have a short memory for people. What dog did yu have there? Diamond, my black girl was there for an amp in Oct. I had Diamond back there (as a tripod) to keep her sister Pearl company in Jan. Pearl's white/black. Pearl was in for a splenectomy. And actually Pearl was at OSU briefly in Oct too because I thought it would be a good comparison to have littermates, one with cancer, one without. But Pearl probably already had her cancer then. Both are gone already. Pearl made it only 3 weeks. Dima got 6 months.
  13. Suzy, knowing what a blur any time spent at OSU is like......did I meet you when I was there in either Oct 09 or Jan '10?
  14. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to both of you. (Jane and Suzy) I'm glad that Joe is on his way to recovery. He'll be pouncing on his dinosauer in no time. (now's your chance to put a grunt back in it) MP PS..you should have the sling tomorrow. I sent it 2DAY air.
  15. I had Jade out for her obedience class, which Opal didn't like me leaving her behind. I got home and Opal didn't come when I called. I found her on her bed...she looked alright, so I figured she was pissed at me leaving her. I go fix the hotdogs I picked up for the girls after the class. Jade and Onyx polished those off in seconds. But Onyx turned her nose up at it and went back to her bed. Hmmm. Something's not right. She's a food hound. Thinking it's an upset tummy, I give her a pepto bismol. Back in the kitchen I hear Jade BARKING BARKING BARKING outside. Uh oh! That sounds like a caught critter bark to me. I grab my flashlight, shove on my slippers and run outside. I see her at the back fenceline (I have a whole acre!) So I jog on down. Now, it could have been anything. A groundhog. Possum, Feral cat, fox.....anything. But what did it turn out to be? A skunk. Yup. She got a skunk. It must have been the one that got Opal last month. Yup. I went thru this only last month. That happened just 2 days after my little old lady Onyx went to the evet with two lacerations on either side of her muzzle and she was in shock. So I rush back to the house to beat Jade to the dog door and keep her out. I go down to the basement and grab one of the two brandy new bottles of peroxide. Made the mixture and peeked in on Opal wondering why she didn't go outside with all the commotion. She looked fine. Anyway. I make it outside, call Jade........PPPUUUUUUU! Give her a bath. At 9:30 PM! (at least it's better than the 11 PM last month). So she's now soaked but taken care of. I got a shovel and sent the body over the fence into the field. then went back inside to start my own dinner which I hadn't yet had. WHen I went to look in on Opal I noticed her lip was puffy. I hadn't noticed that before. So maybe that's what's wrong. She got stung. Poor baby. So I give her two Benedril. (from the last time they got stung, the vets said up to three would be okay). I give her the stuff then sit down to try to catch some last minute bidding on the auction. Opal begins to shake her head a lot. I look down and her WHOLE face is now swollen. I know I didn't miss it. It was just starting to swell now. So now I call the vets. It's after 10. He asked if I had any prednizone. I did....from 2006! But he said that was still okay to give. Even on top of the benedril. So, Opal is sleeping (drugged to high heaven) with an ice cold washcloth on her face and now seems more comfortable. I seemed to have gotten most of the skunk off Jade. And I missed bidding on several items. I have to remember to put eye drops in my own eyes because I popped a blood vessel yesterday. So I have a martian eye that red all over the sclera. It'been a long day and it's time to go to bed. I'm exhausted.
  16. Suzy, I read your update in the other thread. I am so sorry to hear the horrible news. I lost my two sisters just 2 months apart this year. Both cancer. And I lost my first baby Brindle to hemangio 8 yrs ago. I didn't even have a chance with her. I just wanted to let you know I'm here, we're all here for you. Mary Pat
  17. I just spoke with Jane. Joe is in surgery now. She feels that if the cancer was the chondosarcoma, the oncology student would have rushed out to tell her the good news. So, it is probably osteo. She's doing okay. She's sitting in the waiting room either knitting or crocheting (I forgot which). She has several friends that work at OSU so, they keep coming out to check on her. She told me she was just numb. A feeling most of us know all too well. She loved and cuddled with Joe last night and spoiled him rotten. So basically, she's hanging in there. Mary Pat
  18. I'm afraid to tell you this, I don't want to scare you........ My first two babies were Brindle and Topaz. Topaz was a year younger than Brindle. I noticed that Topaz was slowing down more so than Brindle. Couldn't keep up during walks. I took her to the vets and unfortunately got the old country doc and he just said to give her horse vitamins (this was before I became so medically knowledgeable). A year later, she was showing an extended belly and we did an ultrasound. Her liver was very very small even though her liver enzymes were fine. We did a liver function test (they are special tests not in the normal chemistry panel) and the results were off the charts. About 100 times what they should have been. I lost her within 4 weeks. Topaz was only 5 yrs old.
  19. Oh wow, that's so wonderful. She sounded so bad, I was really afraid she was beyond help. What a wonderful miracle to have had. Can I offer a little suggestion? If she hasn't had her blood pressure done, get one. If for nothing else, a baseline. Dr. Couto did say greys get idiopathic hypertension. My Pearl had it and it did cause a stroke.
  20. I'll be there holding you tight (in spirit) like you did for Beth and me in Feb and for me in Oct. I'm afraid to ask what the "bad" one is. Is it Fibrosarcoma? I sure hope the biopsy comes back with the 'good' cancer. If you think you'll need help or a break, I can be out there by friday afternoon and stay til sunday afternoon.
  21. Sorry. I know a torn ACL is not something to cheer about. But there have been so many OS pups just these past couple weeks that I just had to cheer for a torn ACL. Now I hope he doesn't need surgery.
  22. Patiently (not) waiting for an update........
  23. I wish I was there as Jane was there for me. But, everybody knows Jane at OSU, so she is surrounded but wonderful, loving, caring people. Dr. Christina is there. She's head of Blood Bank and knows Joejoe. She is one of the sweetest people on earth. She'll also look out for Jane. Jane, do you need the sling? I can fed-ex it out to you.
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