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Posts posted by kamsmom

  1. My middle daughter has eczema and in the winter time we have her take an occasional bath with ACV. She hates it and always complains that she smells like an easter egg. :lol But I have noticed a significant difference in her skin when we do this. We have also used ACV for our JRT on her skin allergies and she does well. I spray it on the JRT. I don't know if I could even get the kids to ever drink the stuff. :rolleyes:

  2. This is a picture of Isis's corn. I had it hulled about six months ago and it grew back. About two months ago I was able to work it out with my fingernail (over a three hour period of time). It has already grown back but it smaller each time.






    Then after it was removed...




    Good Luck

  3. If you are giving her pedialite every half hour she won't need any water... Is it possible to just wait a day and see if she can decide to eat and drink on her own? I know that you have been worried about her eating and drinking on your schedule and with rationed amounts but could it be that she is really just wanting to be left alone?


    Isis is my finicky eater. She will not eat when the others do and usually will just stand there and watch them. Does she eat when I want her too? No. Isis prefers her own schedule, sometimes it means she eats a whole bowl at one sitting, sometimes it means she picks at it a few times in the morning and then does this for a week or so. The thing that I have also done is that we ALWAYS share any extra bread or crust or french fries with Isis first. She eats this type of snacks waaaay before she will even touch any of the dog snacks. :rolleyes: I really don't think I have ever stood and watched her drink water. I leave out water all day and night. Have you looked at Pollis gums to see if she looks dehydrated? Does her skin have good turgor? If she isn't looking dehydrated I would just let her wait. I remember one time you saying that she has actually gained some weight and has not lost any since you got her. Has she lost weight recently?


    I too tend to be the "worry wort" with my kids but have had to learn to settle with Isis. Good Luck to you and Polli.

  4. We try to go the the Dog Park about every 3 or 4 days. I always take my husband and DD, so we can separate and keep a VERY watchful eye out, especially for people who want to bring their teeny dogs in. There is a 30 pound+ rule to enter the big dog side.


    Atticus runs in and smells the standing-around dogs and visits with the people, then he runs off to find whoever is doing the most high-energy activity. The last time it was 2 precious, rambunctious Labradoodles who were chasing balls -- it ended up with them chasing him, then Atticus chasing them! It was funny to see him slow down his speed so they could almost catch him. :)


    Steven (our new boy!) loves to stalk the small dogs who are (thankfully) separated by a fence in their own park. He pretty much runs the fenceline for a while until it sinks in that he can't actually get to them. :P At that point he joins in some loping around and checking things out.


    Betsy (our senior Golden) could care less about the dogs in the park, she just visits with the people standing around! Last time we were there she tried to leave with the Animal Control Officers...



    I know of the park you are talking about, when do you go? Everytime I see it, it is packed... Also, who is Steven? I need to see pics!! :P

  5. Carmen was sooo excited to see that she had a box on the front porch, but since she doesn't have any thumbs her mom opened it for her. :P






    There were so many cookies in the box that mom had to put them in another box just to get to the presents!




    Then I got one cookie that mom forgot :colgate




    Mom even got some handmade slippers, and I got lots of stuffies. My skin sisters think that the stuffies are too good for me and they keep trying to take them. I really "jumped for joy" when mommy squeaked the snowman stuffy...







    Thank you sooooo much for all the great stuff!! I can't wait to find out who you are B)



  6. I don't know if I'm more anxiously awaiting Danny's package or waiting to see if our SS gets their package. I think the latter because I hope they like the gifties. It should have arrived by now but no word yet. Maybe I didn't send enough treats or chocolate. Oh the stress!


    I keep giving Willie Bradys' yogurt treats, but his was acknowleged a few days ago. I also sent something out and never heard it if was liked, or hated, if it arrived in one piece or anything. I did notice they clicked the received button but that was it.



    How is the countdown now?


    I never did hear back on one of my packages last year, I truly hoped they liked it. :(


    Were you my SS last year? I never did find out who mine was as there was no return name or any notes inside. :dunno


    Edited to add: Carmens SS last year was BlackandBrindle... I never knew who Bella's was...

  7. WOW, is about all I can say! You were so nice and generous! I couldn't believe that you knew that I fell in love with the cherry blossom collar :) I have already devoured the Godiva chocolate :D


    Isis (and her nosey sister Carmen) were so excited to open a present...










    "Mommy please tell Miss Robin Thank you for the great stuff!"





  8. By all means, open open open!! :snow: I hope you like everything


    Ummm, sorry about the tight packing, but I was very determined to make it all fit. The post office kind of gave me a little grief because I had "modified" it, but they accepted it anyway. :)


    "modified" it... :blink: Would love to see a picture of that!

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