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Posts posted by kamsmom

  1. So about a week ago Isis had a very slight limp and then it went away so I thought nothing of it. Then today we went to play group and she was side swiped by another and she let out the GSOD. She cried for a bit but then seemed better. I ran my hand up and down her leg and thought maybe it was just a bit dramatic... However, once we got home she was limping so bad that I had to carry her up the stairs as she wasn't putting any weight on her leg. It is her right front leg. When I touch the top part of her leg she cries and just looks so sad. An hour ago she was trying to lay down on her bed and she was on her right side and then screamed out.


    I am going to take her into the vet tomorrow... I really am not asking any thing, I guess I am just wanting to vent or maybe, possibly hoping that it is nothing. Isis is 8 and is my heart dog. She is the reason I am even here. I just love her so much and am so scared of what could be happening to her.


    Any way... here is a recent photo of her... She is the most beautiful girl...






    I love this picture because it just shows who she is. She is my "bombproof" dog. She lets everyone pet her.

  2. Chrissy, I am so sorry to hear about this. Your stories with Speck were some of the very first things that made me come to GT. I was always so sad that I never knew of Gino but knew he had to be something special for so many to have spoken of him so highly. Speck had that special spark and you do too. Please know that you and Speck have touched so many and I felt as if I "knew" both of you. Thank you for sharing some of your special moments with us. Please know that I am thinking of you tonight.

  3. I want to see these dogs he's worked with a year from the time he's worked with them. Those are the things you don't get to see.


    And the man thinks it's a good idea to rollerblade with greyhounds. I mean, sure, well trained angel hounds maybe...but seriously? They hit top speed, you're on skates...you have absolutly no control. I've had to ask myself if he's ever met a greyhound or galgo...


    But, as far as his methods and tecniques? I do not have tv (I have a tv and a dvd player...no local channels, cable, etc) so I have never seen his show. Never could get into the books...I stopped when I hit the rollerblading greyhound part.


    Obviously he's done something right but I am no authority.



    You have GOT to see gter Brindles rollerblade with her greys!!

  4. Hope I am so sorry, I wish that I could have known Boss. I feel so fortunate to have met you and to be able to call you my friend. I wish there was something I could do. You have been so sweet to me and now I just wish there was something I could do for you.

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