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Posts posted by kamsmom

  1. Isis is doing so well, we went back and got her rebandaged. The vet came in and showed me what to do and gave me a bag full of supplies and didn't charge a dime! She is now resting quietly in her crate. Thank you GT for all the greyt advice.


    Edited to add... While we were there the first time the vet tech came in and said, "It must be greyhound day, next door is a three month old puppy." :blink: I got so excited and waited around just to see him. He came out and was soooo cute. He is a fawn male puppy from GALT. He is one of Trixie's litter. Apparantly they were at a M&G and "Tony" is a bit of an Alpha and picked on the wrong dog. He got bit in the face and ended up with a few stitches. I loved petting and loving on that little boy :wub:

  2. Thank you, I talked with the e-vet as well and they want me to bring her back in this evening to rewrap. They want her to stay still in her crate for now and let it "dry". I'll take her in later and get some bandage material for myself. Thank you for the advice. I tend to "freak out" a little when I see the pets bleeding. (ironic because I am a nurse and don't mind seeing people bleed :rolleyes: ).

  3. Hi all, I just returned from the E-vet with Isis, (my heart dog that lives in a Alz. home). She cut her front pad on something this morning and the e-vet wrapped her up. We just got home and it has already bled thru the bandage. She cut her pad around 6am this morning and it is now 4pm.


    In your experience do I need to rewrap or is there something else that I need to do? I don't mind going back to the evet but what can they do to help her stop the bleeding?

  4. I've already sent in a donation. I'm wanting to know if there is a difference between being a member and a supporter. Is everyone a member and only those that donate a supporter? Or is everyone a user and then you can donate to be a supporter and that makes you a member?


    Not trying to be difficult, just wanting to get my verbage right. :colgate

  5. ABSOLUTELY :nod you need to get it. I brought a foster dog into my home last year and thought she was ok. A few days later she began to cough, then a few days after that mine were all coughing. My six month old lab at the time almost died because of it. I wished that I had given everyone the bordetella $10 vaccine... I spent over $1000 to get everyone healthy again and could have avoided it all with just the $10 vaccine. I definately will keep up with the bordetella.....

  6. I looked at your other pictures and was wondering if it looks anything like this:





    This one was almost like a long "extra" nail on her pad. She (Isis) had torn up her foot about six months ago and had spent about two months healing at the vets. We think that this corn is more of scar tissue and that it may come back later. Here is a picture of the "after"...






    Sorry that they are fuzzy, I took it with my phone at the vets office.


    Edited to add that the vet only charged me $39.00 to do this... office visit and all :colgate

  7. You can also give Tums with Calcium. They have the calcium and magnesium and they are easier to chew up as they taste good. It is what we always give the patients at the hospital when they complain of "charlies horse" cramps. (also on a side note, it is ok for pregnant women to use as well. Just in case anyone is reading this :colgate )


    Good Luck.

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