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Posts posted by kamsmom

  1. Oh my gosh Heather! I have had Taters (rights to riches) picture as my screen saver at work for about a year now! Everyone who comes by my office laughs... She is adorable. I always thought she was already adopted, what a nice surprise to see that she is going to a great home and now I may even get some new cute pictures of her to use at work :) Congrats on both your new ones.

  2. I was on a site that a vet discussed this exact break. They said it would be 8 to 12 months of rest. No running. Slade I believe had this happen to him also. He runs like crazy and occasionally he seems to slip with that leg. But my yard has a very steep slant to it so I think he does very well. this is the site I think I was on http://www.greyhound-data.com/index.htm?z=JA-NYB. Hope this helps



    Do you mean months or were you meaning to say weeks?

  3. 5 years later and I still don't relax and obviously with all the jumping, zoomies, spins, twirls, slipping, falling and just general running around he is fine.


    Cody had pretty restricted activity (leash walking and running around the house) for about 6 months before I let him go full bore at the dog park. He broke his leg in Oct, had surgery in Nov which resulted in a plate and 7 screws, then had the plate and screws removed in Feb and then it was May or June before I took him to the park. He has also been getting glucosamine, MSM and shark cartilage since day one as well.


    Who and where do you get the glucosamine, MSM and shark cartilage from? Also how much do you give him?

  4. She puts all weight on it. The foster said that she was holding it up at times but I haven't seen her do it at all. She even has tried to run up and down the stairs. I have stopped her from doing it by holding her collar going both ways.


    Thanks for the advice... I have never felt so unsure before. I have had all kinds of dogs in my life but have never had one that had any injury.

  5. Looking at the photos her leg looks DANG GOOD!!!


    I would check and see exactly what the break was. A broken hock can be lots of different things, so I would check exactly what it was and what if any surgery was done.


    With all that said and taken into consideration :)

    I would start allowing her some off leash time, by herself and just limit it. The walks are great as well.


    Also was she in a kennel during rehab? or foster home? Reason I ask is if it was kennel then she has been more than likely allowed off leash in the turn out area since day one after the break.


    Ok, I went and pulled her paperwork. She had a comminuted right central tarsal fracture with a fourth tarsal bone fracture as well. She has two screws that were placed. The report says restricted activity for 8 weeks. Madi was in a foster home and was crated and leash walked.


    I'm fine with doing what ever is needed to be done. Like I said, I just feel so nervous about anything she does. I've never felt this way before and just feel like maybe I am "overprotecting" her. Or maybe that I am restricting her too much. I know she wants to play with the other girls outside and I haven't let her. She tries to initiate play with Carmen and I have stopped her.


    Beth, I wouldn't hesitate to call either Dr. Soileau or Dr. Ellis at VCA Park Preston (GALT's vet) or the Surgery Center where she had her hock fixed. I'm guessing they can provide you with at least some sort of timeline (how many weeks/months etc. she should have restricted movement). If you can't reach the vet directly, ask to leave a voicemail, and just say you have a GALT dog and have a question. They give extreme preferential treatment to our hounds. :)


    I will give them a call as well. Dr. Lange did the surgery at DVSC. Thanks :)

  6. My new girl Madi is almost 2. She broke her right rear hock in November and it was repaired on Nov. 22. She had her last bandage change in the middle of January. I feel like I am walking on egg shells around her. :( I am always so scared when the other dogs start dancing around her. Is this normal? Should I be this worried? How long should I "protect" her and keep her from running around. I have seen that she doesn't have a lot of muscle tone on her right side. I am walking her around the neighborhood hoping to help her build that up. I have only had her for 4 days now but am just wondering about all the "what ifs".


    Here is a gratuitous picture of her :) Just because...



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