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Posts posted by kamsmom

  1. Day 2

    Eating his dinner


    He's looking greyt. Please give him lots of hugs for me


    What was that line and little ball hanging from his collar? I wondered if he was getting blood (or something else) or if the line was to capture something coming out (like a drainage tube). I've never seen anything like that before.


    Its a JP Drain to help drain excess fluid. It helps to minimize swelling.

  2. Yeah!!! :yay I get to show off my Isis girl! Isis is a very pretty red and white girl. She just turned 7 on Nov. 5 and is a happy girl. She really doesn't play, (she is a princess afterall) her favorite thing to do is sleep on moms laundry with her sister Carmen.


    She is a smaller girl and weighs 57#. Her favorite snack is dried chicken strips.

    Isis's favorite color is baby blue. She got her first coat (slate grey) and is anxiously awaiting winter to come. We are really jealous of the others who already have snow. :P


    All in all, Isis will be thrilled with anything she receives from her SS. Thank you :colgate






  3. Colour [/color] Purple


    Savoury food Pizza


    Chocolate Dark


    Cookie Chewy Oatmeal Raisin


    Stuff to put in the bath Bubbles :P


    Stuff to use in the shower Plumeria body wash


    Smell Chloe Narcisse


    Scented candle sugar cookie from Tyler Candles


    Photograph of your dog(s)? yes, in frames??


    Type of jewellery silver


    Style of ornament anything snowman themed


    Style of festive decoration snowmen


    Television programme (present) army wives


    Television programme (past) mork and mindy :lol


    Type of reading material (inc authors if appropriate) currently reading Harry Potter with my daughter




  4. She is doing well. I changed her bandage tonight and she only bled through a little bit. She is sooo calm and has been an absolute angel with all the other monsters.. err... I mean dogs. :lol The JRT and the poodle keep going up to her and giving her kisses.


    This afternoon I let Isis and Carmen outside to potty together and when I reopened the door this is how I found them :wub:




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