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Posts posted by kamsmom

  1. The ones I have used were pre-loaded with terrycloth wadding.


    Diapers use cotton batting, mixed with polyacrylamide polymer (SAPs), which expand upon absorption to hold several hundred times their own weight in water. They can be purchased by the 50# sack for all kinds of purposes, ranging from agriculture to magic tricks (turning a glass of water to solid- or pouring milk into a hat, and not have it come out).


    If holding it is a problem, you might consider the time of day at which you feed; the kidneys pass the salt out, and kibble is loaded with salt. Feeding raw helps, but is prohibitive (cost, logistics) in some households. So if you feed a large meal when you get home, and a smaller meal before bedtime, you might be able to toy with when the salt gets cleared by the kidneys- and end the accidents. Maybe.


    Sorry to hijack.... but I ALWAYS wondered how they did that hat trick :lol I can't wait to show my 9 year old (she loves magic tricks! )

  2. It is funny sometimes the looks I get from people when I tell them that I have 7 dogs and they live in the house. I get the eyerolls sometimes when they know I am taking the dog on vacation but not my family. However, I also have to remember that at one time I didn't do these things and I didn't know everything there is to know about dogs... still don't. So I give people some slack. It doesn't really bother me if people don't know what I am talking about and if they want to learn I am willing to talk, but if they just want to pet my "plain ole dog" then I let them. If I don't want them to pet them then I just say, "sorry, she's having a bad day, maybe tomorrow tho?". I've never had anyone disagree or argue with me.


    Now if you want to learn some interesting facts about squirrels.... my 12 year old would love to educate everyone on them :P I learned this morning that there is a colony of red squirrels that almost became extinct because they contracted squirrel pox :huh ... never knew there was such a thing, my daughter looked at me like I had three heads because I had never heard of squirrel pox.

  3. I am so sorry Caroline, I have missed your posts and have thought about you for a few weeks now. My youngest daughter was only 3 when our old lab passed and she still to this day tells me that she and "Bozley" talk to each other. It comforts me to know that she doesn't forget him. I am sure that Stella will be Faith's "guardian angel". Hugs to you and your family :grouphug

  4. I have not heard of it in a dog but have taken care of plenty of patients in the hospital with it. Since he has been on antibiotics for a few days his blood cultures may come up negative anyway. However, the echo may show if he has any vegetation which would be indicative of endocarditis. You may never know if this was just from the bite or if he had an underlying infection before the bite. The best thing now is to be proactive and treat was it is right now.


    Endocarditis is an infection and can be treated. He needs to be on antibiotics and rested.

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