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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. galgrey

    Guilt And Loss

    I've had two dogs with hemangiosarcoma (a greyhound and a weimaraner) and I've had to make the same decision you just faced and had the same feelings you described. I also live by myself so I know how very deeply alone that can feel when you're grieving. I'm glad you were able to reach out to us. No one who reads your words could doubt you loved her with all your heart, did everything you could to help her and in the end made this most difficult of decisions out of your love for her. I'm so very sorry for your loss and pain.
  2. Just checking for an update and glad I did. Sending good thoughts.
  3. Such good news! Sending lots of healing thoughts.
  4. Welcome! Let us know when Jed gets home!
  5. I agree & would add that some dogs have grain intolerance and a grain-free food could make a big difference.
  6. Welcome to you and beautiful Bella! You'll fit right in with the rest of the addicts!
  7. I don't feel this is normal for a healthy nine year old dog and plenty of greyhounds are healthy and active at age nine. The lethargy, change in appetite, and the accidents in the house suggest a problem/problems the tests and exams have yet to uncover in my opinion. What is your vet saying at this point? Since you're still concerned, have you considered taking her records to another vet to get a second opinion? Is there a vet in your area that specializes in older dogs? Please keep us posted. Sending good thoughts.
  8. galgrey


    Welcome back! Sorry to hear about the loss of your boy, William.
  9. galgrey

    Nike Is Gone

    I'm so very sorry. I lost my first, Frostman, like this so I understand the shock and disbelief.
  10. What a wonderful tribute to your beloved Monarch! He does great work.
  11. This has been my experience as well. I've now shared my life with 5 over the years and they're all different. I just them them be who they are. My first one was fresh off the track and had a rather reserved nature at first. He warmed up over time and became more playful and light-hearted but wasn't a needy or clingy type. My second was a major "mama's boy" - definitely needy and clingy in the beginning. He also had separation anxiety and couldn't be left alone. My third was a senior who had lost her first home due to divorce. She moped and grieved for weeks. Then just when I was afraid she wasn't going to get over it she decide to trust again & gave me her heart. The two I have now couldn't be more different. I adopted Carly in May 2006. I knew she was very shy and anxious when I took her home. She didn't want to leave the safety of her crate for at least 6 months. Four years in, she's made a lot of progress but it's been slow & definitely on her time table. Carly cannot be rushed or pushed. She's still shy & quirky & doesn't like change, but she's happy and comfortable with our routine & I love her just the way she is. Now Princess walked into my house fresh from retirement, checked everything out and then just made herself right at home. She's a happy social butterfly kind of girl. Nothing stresses her out. She likes lots of attention and doesn't mind demanding it. She would have gladly taken over control of the entire household if I'd let her. We've made an agreement though - she can be The Princess, but I'm the boss. They're all individuals. Try not to worry & just enjoy watching his unique personality unfold.
  12. I'm so sorry to read this. Love her extra every day and make lots of memories.
  13. Sending my good thoughts for a speedy and complete recovery.
  14. Glad she's recovering at home with all the TLC she can handle.
  15. Speeding white light and healing thoughts to you, Peanut, and your dad.
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