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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. galgrey

    Murphy Moo

    I am so sorry.
  2. Congratulations on your beautiful new girl! You honor your Sarah's love, life, and memory by opening your home and heart to Ali.
  3. Just seeing this. I'm so sorry. I lost one to hemangiosarcoma in 2003. A year later my weim was diagnosed almost accidently. She had a chest X ray for something unrelated and there was a tumor visible in one of her lungs and her heart was enlarged. An ultrasound showed an enlarged spleen, but she'd been basically asymptomatic. They gave her 6 weeks if I was lucky. I put her on a zero carb, mostly raw diet and immune boosting supplements and they really helped. Even with tumors in her spleen, heart, and one lung, she responded miraculously well to the diet and supplements and lived without any apparent health problems for 10 1/2 months. At that time she was going into congestive heart failure and a month later I had to let her go. It really was miraculous, but then I found out early because of the X ray. I hope your Sobe has many good days ahead.
  4. Congratulations to you and Elliot!
  5. Ditto... Mindy is the same way, she hates being sniffed. It's ok that she sniffs butts & as long as she wants, but, Nobody is allowed to sniff the "Fun Police", it's against the law & you don't want the wrath of Mindy's teeth clamping on your nose! I've got one of those too! Princess LOVES Meet & Greets because she LOVES people, but she doesn't like other dogs (especially strange dogs) to get in her face or sniff her butt. She growls a warning and if they don't back off she will snap at them. I always walk her away when exuberant dogs approach her head on and explain to the owner that she just doesn't like other dogs rushing up in her face. She's also just fine with rushing up in another dog's face or sniffing them mercilessly, but don't even think about doing it to her, 'cause that's a whole different story! Kennelmom makes an excellent point about looking at the situation from the dog's point of view. And just because she was uncomfortable on this initial outing, it doesn't mean she'll never be a good M & G dog or will always be "antisocial". Watch/listen to her cues and give her some time, space, and exposure.
  6. Look at that handsome senior boy! Congratulations!
  7. Healing thoughts for your Monarch and hugs for you and your husband.
  8. I now the feeling well as my Princess had a dental with extractions (five) last week. Sending lots of good vibes and healing energy to your Wendell for a routine procedure and a speedy recovery.
  9. I almost lost my boy, Keno, to pancreatitis not too long after I adopted him. His was triggered by a pig's ear! He was on a bland, homecooked diet for quite a while before I found kibble that agreed with him (Canidae, the original formula). After that I was always very careful about his diet and ticked plenty of people off who wanted to give him "just a little bite" of something they swore wouldn't hurt him. He had one other pancreatitis flare up when a "friend" decided it wouldn't hurt anything to give him fatty chicken skin despite my having already said absolutely no fat! I seriously wanted to send him the vet bill! So glad to hear Poodle is on the mend. It's scary to see them that sick and in that much pain.
  10. This is good to know! Sounds like you've got a good routine rotating those 3 products. I've been thinking of ordering the Petzlife Gel, so I'm glad to hear that you like it. I use gauze or cotton pads instead of a toothbrush too. I'm going to stay after it with Princess -- I don't want her losing any more teeth. She's the first of mine that's ever had to have any pulled.
  11. I'm glad Jacey is home and doing well. Such a relief, isn't it? Princess is home too. She lost 5 teeth and has sutures where the premolars came out so only soft food for her for at least 10 days. She didn't eat much of her canned tripe (her favorite thing in the world) so I know she's not feeling too hot. Even with the fluids she got she's really thirsty, but I was told to only let her drink small amounts at a time. She's sleeping on the bed with me right now. She gets a pain pill before bed -- due to the number of teeth she lost (none of which were loose) she's going to have a really sore mouth for a while. Hopefully she'll sleep through the night and feel much better tomorrow. My bill was almost twice what yours was -- Princess is a big girl, 75 pounds (she's gained 3 lbs. since I switched to TOTW), and she had her pre-anesthesia blood work down today. I'd go get the sheet, but it's in the kitchen and I don't want to wake her up. Oh, and the entire staff is madly in love with her. That happens everywhere she goes.
  12. I can so identify! I took my girl, Princess, in early this morning for a dental with extractions. I knew I'd be useless at work today, so I took a PTO day. I'm here with the other two hounds but the house is so empty without her. She is definitely the pulse of this household. Dentals have always made me anxious because of the anesthesia, of course, but I've never had a dog have to have any teeth pulled. I'm sending all manners of prayers, white light, healing thoughts, etc. for your Jacey right along with the ones for my Princess. All will be right with our world when they are both safe at home with us this evening.
  13. So glad he let you know it's not time yet. Continue to cherish each moment.
  14. Healing thoughts and prayers for your sweet girl.
  15. Hope it heals up quickly and completely!
  16. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your precious Annie, but I'm glad you found your way to us. Run free, Annie.
  17. I completely understand your anxiety! Princess (will be 7 in April) is scheduled for Wednesday and is going to lose some teeth. It's been a constant struggle since she arrived 3 years ago and I've lost the battle -- now she's going to lose some teeth. I know I've been extremely lucky having had greyhounds since 1994 and she's the first to ever lose a tooth, but I'm feeling pretty anxious about it. Let's all join hands and support each other through this. I'm sending out positive thoughts for all of them and us -- for safe, uneventful procedures and quick recoveries!
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