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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. Glad to hear this. Please keep us posted.
  2. My Keno had it but wasn't considered a good candidate for surgery due to some other health problems. I would definitely consider the tie back surgery if faced with this again and if my dog otherwise healthy and considered a good candidate.
  3. I've had good experiences with acupuncture too. Sending good thoughts to you and Cody.
  4. galgrey

    So Long Kees

    So young. I'm so sorry.
  5. So glad he is doing well. Continued good thoughts streaming his way!
  6. galgrey

    Missing My Boy

    I've never seen this one before. Lovely. to you. I know how you feel.
  7. galgrey

    What I Got

    That's so nice. I love Beth's stuff too!
  8. Sending good thoughts for you and Chase!
  9. Sending tons of good thoughts for you and Smiley and your dad. I just had a scare with my galgo, Cruz. I took him in to check a red place on his leg and a needle aspiration was suspicious for mast cell carcinoma. Vet was pretty sure that's what it was. I got the biopsy results yesterday and it was a bizarre fungal infection! No cancer in sight! Sending positive thoughts - it's an infection and the antibiotic will clear it right up.
  10. That's great news. I'm so glad he's doing so well.
  11. It's NOT mast cell carcinoma! The sample had some mast cells in it, but it appeared to be fungal, of all things. My vet left me a message on my answering machine so I didn't get to ask any questions, but he said the report said something about a fungal infection possibly originating from a hair follicle? Anyone ever heard of that? Dr. W said he was thrilled to be wrong about this one. Me too!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your suppost, advice, prayers and positive thoughts!!! I can't tell you how much it helped me. I was feeling so very low when I brought him home and was trying to prepare myself for the worst before I read your words of encouragement. to all of you! I got to see the hole when the bandage was changed on Saturday. They are using the Facilitator to help it granulate in. It looks like it will be a while. We go in for another bandage change tomorrow. He said he might leave the bandage off depending on how it looks. If he does, I'll probably have to use the e-collar. I've been muzzling him so far to keep him from chewing the bandage off, but I have visions of him digging the hard plastic of the muzzle into the wound in an effort to try and lick it. He's obsessed with licking even the smallest of boo boos so this one will be irresistible. Thanks again GT'ers!
  12. So glad to hear there's no sign of cancer. I hope she starts to feel better and get around better with the pred and the tramadol. Keep us posted.
  13. Iceman White light and healing kisses. Hurry home!
  14. Good thoughts for an uneventful surgery and quick recovery.
  15. He's feeling much better today. I've got a muzzle on him now and he's sleeping his Tramadol slumber. He doesn't particularly like the muzzle, but I know he'll like the e-collar a lot less! I'm sure he'd never worn one until I got him and he's doesn't have to often. I always muzzle when I have more than one dog in the car though. He loves riding so it's not a completely bad association. I don't have this one taped up. That's a great idea. Do you use masking tape? Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers. I saw one of these at the vet's office on a German Shorthair Pointer. His human said he demolished the e-collar pretty quickly but the donut thing was working great. His incision was on his side and he can't reach it wearing the donut. Cruz's incision is near his wrist on a foreleg ... I'll have to check to see if this will keep him from getting to it. Thank you for the link.
  16. Thank you all for your good thoughts. It helped us both get through the ordeal of the day. I got him home around 6:00 and gave him his pain meds (tramadol). He's been whining and restless until about 15 minutes ago when he finally laid down on his bed and fell asleep. I just read that whining is a known tramadol side effect in dogs. He's whiney on a good day, so it's going to be a long night. He drank a little water but has zero interest in eating anything. I know that's not unusual, but it lets me know just how bad he feels. Oops, I spoke too soon -- he's awake and crying again. It kills me that I can't make him feel better. I'm supposed to limit his activity because of swelling. If his paw swells a suture or two will have to be loosened. He's not to do the steps to the back yard so I'm leash walking him into the front to potty. He does not like to potty on the leash. They sent home an e-collar to put on him while I'm at work. My poor boy, that will be so upsetting for him. We go in for a bandage/dressing change on Friday. We should have the pathology report on Monday or Tuesday. Please send positive thoughts for the best possible outcome on this path report. I'm doing all I can to remain positive on this end. Thanks again for your advice and support greyt friends. I'll keep you posted. ETA The wound could not be completely closed because of the location on the leg and the size of the tumor. The whole leg is bandaged except for his paw at the moment. I'm to watch the paw closely for swelling. I know I'll have lots of questions about wound care when the bandage finally comes off.
  17. Linda, I hadn't heard about Toby. I hope he's doing well now. He's the sweetest boy. Can you believe it's been 3 1/2 years since that long, long drive to Michigan to pick up Cruz? I think we all enjoyed the ride once he quit whining. Tomorrow will be a long day. I'm trying not to worry. Your good thoughts help.
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