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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Oh Karen, that is wonderful. You and he deserve only good health and much happiness from here on in!
  2. www.springtimeinc.com Jayne- try this site, Diane (burpdog) turned me on to it. I just placed an order last night.
  3. I would definitely opt for a visit to the vet. Excess panting could mean he is uncomfortable.
  4. Hugs and prayers to you and Jordan. Update when you can.
  5. Heather, my thoughts and prayes and BEST wished for Grampa. (and you) You can go online and email CG magazine for the back copies. I believe they will mail them out to you. for a small fee.
  6. Batmom- Sigh. I am in sucn complete overwhelm right now. She is on .50 mg of deramaxx and we just added tramedol for pain as she had been panting which I Interpreted as her being uncomfortable. It was not hot in the room and she is not active. With that said, she seems to be not in pain but how do we really know. She is not a complainer and she hides it well. The vet was surprised when she was first checked out that she did not react to the manipulation. 3 weeks to see some improvement. That sounds reasonable. Now I just need the planets to line up correctly for this poor girl who has so much to look forward to if she could only heal on her own. The way our home is set up, she has a minimum of 20 steps she does MANY times a day. Every time the other 3 run down for whatever reason, she's right with them. We restrict her as much as we can, but in order to go from our room (top level of house) she has 2 carpeted set of steps to main level to outside, another 5-6 steps, she just has to do steps. The bed, we lift her on and off of when we are home. We can't stop her from doing it when we are not home.
  7. Dr Couto emailed me this morning after I explained all the was going on. He said IF it's a disk prolapse, which can only be determined through a CT, MRI or Mylogram, she would need surgery. My next question to him was how long do we give it to heal on it's own before we go to that next step. She is so much worse now than she was Friday morning before we took her. It's killing me to see her walk the way she is. I dont't what they did when they twisted her as they did, but whatever they did, did a number on her. Teddy is gettting worse too. 2 out of my 4 dogs can't walk.
  8. RobinM


    OMG, what a shock. No sense. I am so sorry.
  9. Sending prayers and hugs your way.
  10. Thanks Karen, he's been consulted the entire way through!
  11. TOTALLY, no walks, no playing. NODDA. ZILTCH. She moseys around the backyard always supervised. I have her on .50 mg of Deramaxx and tramadol (sp) if necessary. We WILL get there. We WILL get there. We will get there.......... if I say it enough, it will be! When Beau tore his tendon and liagament away from the bone Memorial Day weekend, he was LEASH walk only even in the back yard for 12 weeks. Been there, done that. We are really on top of it. The ONLY difference is that we hired a nanny to be here at the house with the pack so that Beau couldn't jump up on the bed or be accidently pushed over by Teddy (BIG BOY and he can knock anyone over when he gets crazy). We KNOW that she is jumping off of our bed which is 32 inches off the floor but there is NO way to keep her from doing that. I have the cam going and I believe she jumps off and stays off.
  12. Yes, I am beyond words. I will do WHATEVER it takes to help her and there is nothing I can do.
  13. Polli is 3 days post x-rays day. She is limping worse now than she was when I brought her in on Friday? why? Most likely due to the fact that she was twisted into a pretzel when they did the x-rays and IF it is a soft issue injury, it would make sence that she is limping after being manipulated the way she was. Her x-rays were evaluated by 2 "GH" vets, the orthopedic specialist and now they are being sent to Cornell Medical Center for another set of eyes. They suspect it's clear... I am not complaining, far from it! Her TBD panel came back clear (As Batmom suspected but with that said, we are back to square one. Someone on Goldengreys said to have her rechecked in 2 weeks, it still may be osteo but not showing up yet. I ran that theory by the vet today who said, not likely. If she is limping this badly, if it were CA, it would be showing up. Something so small that it didnt show up would not cause her to limp this badly. Makes sense. So... we sit and wait.
  14. Polli has one, not to worry.
  15. Major prayers, love and hope sent your way. Please contact Dr. Couto. He will help you.
  16. OH NO. I have been there with Beau. I feel both your pain. My prayers are with you both for a pain free weekend and fast healing for King.
  17. She is beautiful and that was very heartfelt. Hugs to you. My Teddy is Craigies son.
  18. WOW. 15 years is a very long time. Your house must feel so different without her. I am so sorry for your loss. God Speed Natasha. Run free with all the beautiful and free pups.
  19. I pay full price at the vet so I am waiting to see the posts! I get my front line for deadfleaz in Austrailia, I wonder if they sell the interceptor also? I will check! Nope, not at deadfleaz. But you can get it online, most places want a RX. Here it is at PetcareRX for: Dogs 51-100lbs. 12 Month Supply $77.99 is that a good price? I have no idea what I paid.
  20. Beautiful girl, hope she finds comfort soon. hugs.
  21. Yup the anal glands. Freddygirls, GH , Freddy was doing the same thing and the glands had to be expressed. Vet said that is the 1st sign. Isn't it nice when it's something so easy?!!!!
  22. Can't see through the tears. Thank you for loving him as you do. Bless his heart. Run free, pain free Freddie.
  23. I kinda figured that. When my others came home from dentals, same day surgery, they ate and acted as if nothing happened. Polli is definitely affected and totally not interested in water or food. She looks beat. She's had a very rough day. Hopefully tomorrow, she will feel better and rid her body of those nasty drugs. We have her tucked in with us for the night.
  24. Polli is home, finally. She is limping worse now than when I brought her but that is because they twisted her into a pretzel so they can take the pictures. I just gave he .50 mg deramaxx. They said nothing to eat or drink till tomorrow because of the anethesia. Why is that? When another 4 year old GH went in for just x-rays as Polli did, she was allowed to have dinner. Is it because of Polli's age (8.5). She's not too interested in anything right now, poor baby. She looks shell shocked. I am just so happy to have her back home where she belongs.
  25. OMG that is insane! that is wonderful. I don't think I have ever walked out of the vet here without dropping $350.00. Yeesh. I wish things were different, but that's just the way it is. They also give us 20% off because of multiple dogs. I was thinking about changing my direct deposit to go directly into the vets account.
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