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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Jen- I have tried all the natural remedies for Polli, the cape, a shirt \, a sheet over the top of a crate and finally I broke down and gave her valium which really helped. I wouldn't want to do it every day, but once in a while. In the meantime, if they are frequent, buy a CD of storms to try and desensitize.
  2. When Beau was attacked by Teddy and just missed his jugualar, I was appalled that they had beau sitting in a crate at the vet hours after he was brought there. They explained to me that they did this purposely. Because a bite has a lot of bacteria and bad germs, infections could occur. They sedated him to make him comfy and non knowing and put drains in to get the yucky stuff out, then, they stitched him up.
  3. The hardest part for Beau is NO WALKIES. He is the walking king. He will happily walk in RAIN, snow, cold, blustery, whatever kind of weather. He knows the routine so well, that if we don't move quick enough after he finishes breakfast and dinner, he will wait by the front door and nose the leashes and WHINE... then if we are still not moving quick enough, he will instigate the others by barking and rooing in their faces until they start barking and rooing until a full blown roo fest is happening. that gets us moving! Unfortunately, we can't take him. he is sad. On a good note, it looks like he WANTS to walk today and is putting a LITTLE more weight on it today. (whereas the past 2 days he was not his usualy happy self) So, we will continue to take it day by day.
  4. OMG. I am so sorry you both had to go through this. Hoping for fast, healing and uneventful recovery.
  5. Sending white lights and sweet thoughts for your sweet baby. Have you tried canned TRIPE? I am PMing you.
  6. RobinM


    I am so sorry. I am sure my angel kitties Sasha and Blue have welcomed him into their kingdom. He is not alone. Run free sweet Sam.
  7. Greyhounds are known to "faint" during warm baths. My Beau fainted when he was being bathed by the adoption group I got him from. They thought they killed him. Whenever I bath him, I never let the water go above 80 degrees. ETA- I ALWAYS go into the tub with them.
  8. As some of you may remember, Memorial Day 07, Beau had a major accident with his right rear leg that required major othopedic surgery, screws etc. Vet said in his 35 years, he had never seen something so bad. The vet renamed Beau-- BOZO. No more Bozo moves! Anyway, he healed wonderfully and quickly. After about 6 months, every once in a while, he would stop using that leg altogether. This would sometimes continue for 3-6 weeks at a time. I would bring him in, they would manipulate the leg and would just say, give it time. They said that it could be the start of arthritis because of the ortho injury. The last time this happened (May "08), he was due for his dental, so we had it ex-rayed. Everything was OK and there was absolutely no sign of arthritis. We are all baffled and the use of the leg cam back full force..... Until 4 days ago. He is once again not using the leg. He tripods around. He does not appear to be in any pain. He is happy,silly and even will jump up on me when it's time for his walkie, which we are cutting short. So, just to be on the safe side, we are going in today at 12:30. Any thoughts? ***UPDATE*** -OY- poor Beau Beau. Vet felt no swelling but the tendons were very tight and he screamed. Felt it could be either trauma to a already suscepible leg in which case rest rest rest is in order OR possibly another rip which wouldn't show in any other way other than lameness or exploratory. Her feeling is that since the x-ray in May was clean, we should keep him rested, give him deramaxxfor the next 2 weeks and if nothing changes, we will have to sedate him to have the leg manipulated to see what's up. As she said, he should NOT be going through this every 3 months. He screamed like the Queen Brave boy he is, my heart was being ripped out, he was so scared. So, once again... we wait.
  9. How terrible. I am so sorry.
  10. I am so sorry. What a beautiful boy.
  11. RobinM


    I am so sorry.
  12. I just found this on Chloe after a fun run at a local school. Beau's had a hot spot before but it was a little different.
  13. My Polli, age 9.5 will do that more lately too. How is your pup with the thunder? My Polli can tell if a storm is 300 miles away (not quite) and will start to pant an hour before it even rains. The air in the house is on continuous and although she gets walked with the pack, we do not take her for 11 pm walk. I'd bet it's the heat and or anxiety but I would have her checked out if it's been a few months since she's been seen.
  14. Allergies? bug bite? Teddy has always had ichy ear syndrome but no one knows why. Hope you get to the bottom of it, fast and easy!
  15. Sending oodles of prayers for Mazie and hugs to you.
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