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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Actually waiting is good for me. I can work on finding a food to turn this around a little bit. It buys more time, but you have to realize that this has been going on since before Thanksgiving and it started months before that, just not consistant. Beau has been umcomfortable long enough.
  2. we are not planning on giving any kibble even though that is the one thing he ususally eats. We will see what he eats - then keep him on it.
  3. We sent all Beaus’ info to 2 vets. One of them is in a specialist’s office and the other one we use for Beau’s acupuncture only. He kinda knows what we have been going through as we also see him once a week. Both these vets say exactly the same as my vet which is, if after this next group of blood tests comes back negative, it’s time to biopsy. As that is the only way to know which way to proceed and stop just throwing drugs down his throat. This is not good for anyone. Beau’s eating has become worse. He hasn’t eaten today, did poorly yesterday and he even had the B12 sub Q today. So we will wait to see those results - which will take 7-10 days. I have a feeling I know what the next step is going to be & I am sick beyond words. I am trying to be hopeful but I also have to be realistic.
  4. asking me this question at this point in our lives changed a greyt deal from the last time we answered it. We currently there at least 3-4 times a month.
  5. Ok. We are starting from scratch. what can I give him that with all his issue and being extremely picky to begin with, he will eat? Reviewing some of the old threads we see: Every food that is mentioned, someone else says that won't work. I currently have in my house: EVO kibble, Wellness Lamb kibble, PP sensitive stomach, PP large breed, purina 1, Hills ID Canned: wellness lamb, BG Chicken & beef, TRIPE, Beef tripe, Blue chicken, purina one, science diet ID Raw- natures variety patties and medallions (I could start a small store) We are willing to get whatever we have to for Beau- I'd like to start from the beginning. We tried the BG beef, he did not like it. he is not crazy about beef. Where to go from here?
  6. What an emotional rollarcoaster for you guys. My heart is heavy with you.
  7. Ok we are back. He was had more blood tests and once again another CBC just to be sure all is in range there. He also had a sub q of vitaman B-12. What is everyones thoughts on wellness lamb. He won't eat the beef anymore. I think the chicken is not toleated. I agree that the evo is too rich at this point. We need to stick to ONE protein- agreed. We need to also have the treats to match. I've heard a lot of dogs tolerate the lamb well. Which brands of lamb canned are good and do I need to add anything to it? yes, we did a 3 day fecal just a few days ago. He had been on Flagyl and he had a dose of drontal plus 2 nights ago.
  8. This morning when we let Beau out, he went to poop and I watched by the window to see how it looked. It was literally a projectile poop and he cried out a GSOD and ran back to the house. We are pretty certain that since we have gone back to chicken, his whole problem has gotten worse. And of course, yesterday he refused to eat anything but chicken. We tried offering him 3 different kibble last night at 10pm and he decided to eat the evo chicken which of course is very rich for his ultra sensitive system. He is into the vet today for blood work. I had planned on picking up meat evo. Do you think that will be too rich for him as well? Now, ichicken of any sort is just not an option.
  9. The vet is drawing blood tomorrow to check EPI / SIBO / B12 deficiency. These are the tests we plan on discussing with the vet when she draws blood tomorrow 1. Spot test by spectrum labs 2. TLI/PLI/B12/Folate 3. Pancreatic enzyme 4. Full tick panel Is there anything else we should be considering/idiscussing or nvestigating as long as we're drawing blood (want to keep stress and additional blood draws to a minimum
  10. If that's what the vet said and gave you, I would presume it was just fine!
  11. Actually, had had been eating about 2-3 pm. 1 cup of kibble and 3/4 can of the chicken BG. Then about 9 or 10 pm we were getting another 1.5 cups with more BG. not bad. Today, nothing. I'm wondering if it was the drontal, the chicken which we just put back in or the ID or is it just getting worse. We bought the natures variety raw. Hah. That was a good for a laugh. (I'm being obnoxious because I am really starting to feel unglued.) I None of my dogs will go near it.
  12. Batmom- all I got was 2 pills of drontal plus 2 be given together. No more. That is it. That is all she is going to give me. My question was more, when would HE be feeling the crummy effects of the drug as he is not eating today. Is it the drontal plus, the chicken that has been added in or the ID? I don't know but I am on the edge right now.
  13. Well, he is not eating so that is not a problem. We did learn something new here today. Beau hates raw. We bought the patties and medallions of lamp. Natures Vareity. I put it in with his kibble and he looked up at me like, Mom- yo ufporgot to cook it. He ran away. Chloe my chow hound who loves EVERYTHING and I do mean everything wouldn't eat it either. Today he is happy, active but his eating is worse. It could be from the 1)Drontal plus 2) adding the chicken back in 3) the ID. Now what???
  14. Dh is on his way back from store with Natures Variety Lamb Raw. Beau has never had lamb before (neither have I, I don't eat meat so this is all for Beau ) Anway, since he has been eating chicken and the ID how should I make the switch. Medalions of the raw with the ID. I would imagine if he likes the raw, he is going to pick it out. If he doesn't like it, well, then I guess we are back to square one.
  15. what about the frozen raw? IF he will eat it, would I add that to the ID at this point? I have been giving him the BG chicken (all meat) with the ID.
  16. is that the pancreaic test? If so, tomorrow with the Sibo/B12 This makes such good sense. Problem is getting him on and keeping him on a food he will eat for 3 weeks with no variation. He won't. He is thinner and I do believe he's lost more weight. I will find out tomorrow when he goes in for the blood test. We dewormed him last night and today he won't eat which I KNEW was coming but hopefully he will eat something later. He is not easy and this is not easy.
  17. What food/ single protein is working for Fields?
  18. How long until this kicks in? Beau tested negative but we are treating anyway. We gave it last night. If he does have some type of parasite that is not being exposed in the 3 fecals we brought in, just wondering if it was going to work, when would it be working?
  19. I was told that B-12 shot is a deep muscular shot that could have side effects. Beau is being tested tomorrow for SIBO/B-12 deficiency/pancratic deficiency however the test take 7-10 days to return complete. She wants to wait for the results before administering B12. What are the side effects of this for any of you who had B12 shots for their greyhounds? I know Lynn M answered that her greyhound was on Budesonide (Entocort EC) Is there anyone else who's greyhound was on it and what was the end result. My vet does not want to do this. She feels it's too experimental and especially with greyhound who are so sensitive to steriods to begin with. too much of a risk and should only be considered if pred does not work. She is willing to do a pred trial but has expressed concern that IF he still doesn't respond he would need a biopsy anyway and IF there was a lymphoma, the chemo treatments would be less effective due to the pred. She is not trying to scare me, but she is trying to cover all basis... just in case. All of DH reading, he feels we should be giving prophylatic doses of B12 after the testing and if that doesn't work Budesonide. I disagree with the Budesonide at this point as there is not enough clincial research for greyhounds.
  20. Thanks, that's a lot to absorb, pardon the pun, but I will tomorrow, first thing when my eyes are not crossing in my head. We just gave the drontal plus for deworming even though the fecal came back negative. NOw, he will be sick due to that. In answer to your PM question, Beau was always a bit picky, not horribly. Mornings were always an issues. I had to put "something" to sweeten the pot so we could get out and get to work. Now he just doesn't eat in the morming since this all started and we give him the prilesec an hour or 2 before breakfast. Beau would always smell things over and over then eat it as oppossed to Teddy and Chloe who just ate it, whatever it was. Beau is much like his mom.
  21. Yes, it does, I will look at it all tomorrow and maybe switch EVERYONE!
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