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Posts posted by grey8greys

  1. My bridge girl, Flossie was diagnosed with arthritis in her right wrist around the age of 5. She started limping and I took her to the Vets. I put her on Fresh Factors and Joint Health from www.Springtimeinc.com and she never limped again. I tried different supplements, but these seem to work the best. You might have to try a few different supplements. Not all dogs are the same and supplements work different for different dogs. Good luck in finding what works best for you smile.gif

  2. I take Kerri for a dental about every 8 to 9 months. This past Friday she had one and had 4 teeth removed, the dental before she had 2 teeth removed and right before I adopted her she had 22 teeth removed. Only one dental did I take her for, that she didn't have any teeth pulled. Poor Girl just seems to have a very bad mouth sad.gif

  3. I use Advantage for fleas only and have never seen a flea on my dogs and they do fine with it. As far as the Advantage for heartworms, never used it. I use Interceptor every month for heartworms.

  4. My bridge girl Flossie had a partial ACL tear. 8 weeks crate rest, only outside to potty on a leash, no jumping on furniture, getting into the van or stairs. 4 more weeks of no running. She healed just fine and never had a problem with either leg smile.gif

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