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Posts posted by grey8greys

  1. It has been almost a year since Flossie left me :( I have not seen her in my dreams, but I think when I adopted Abel in Nov. 2 months after she left me, she came back with him. I know she sent him to me :) The 2 of them are so much alike wub.gif

  2. When I travel, I take bottled water and canned food to mix with their kibble. I also pack can chicken and tuna in pouches, for when they are being picky and don't want to eat. Also pack a container of grated cheese to sprinkle on their food. I also take the little individual containers of cottage cheese for breakfast and small containers of yougart for their before bedtime snack. All these foods, they eat at home. I try not to change their eating schedule when we travel.

  3. You are not going to believe this but when I got home from work Briley was holding up his good leg and is now limping on both! ohmy.gif makes me wonder if maybe it isn't coming from his back???? The x-ray did show inflammation in his left knee though.



    I had x-rays done on my girl with the partial ACL tear, it didn't really show anything but the Vet, buy feeling her knee could tell it was spongy and had me feel it also, you could tell the difference in the good knee and the torn knee. The good knee felt hard.

  4. Back from the vet, diagnosis: partial ACL tear. He has a recheck in 10 days and if still limping will have to have surgery. Vet said 90% likely he will need surgery.



    If it is a partial ACL tear, I would start now to limit all activity for the next 10 days, until you go back to your Vet, only out for potty breaks on a leash. No walks, no steps, no getting on the couch, no excitement / moving around, no getting in the car, crate if possible. I know this sounds extreme, but my first Greyhound had a partial tear and this is what the Vet told us to do. We did this for 8 weeks and 4 more weeks of no running and she healed fine with no surgery and no problems later. When you go back in 10 days, ask your Vet about the resting versus surgery.

  5. Sheila , I noticed it . And I thought to get a good Tip how to . I want to do it outside with the Hose , but he will not stand still . unsure.gif



    I bath my 2 out in the yard with a hose. I put an old collar on them and attach a leash. I stand on the leash to keep them from walking away. Abel just stands there, but Kerri likes to walk around a little smile.gif The yard is fenced in so after they are rinsed, I unclip the leash and they do their zoomies and roll in the grass lol.gif

  6. The older ones: Joint Health, Fresh Factors, fish oil & vitamin E and have recently started Sea Meal on everyone. Grace, the young pita, gets fish oil.



    How many fish oil capsules do you give each one and do you have to give vitamin E with it, I heard somewhere that you have to use both.

  7. Trudy & Jeff, I am so sorry to hear of Ryan's trip to the Bridge sad.gif He had a great life with you both, and he will always be with you in your hearts. Godspeed Ryan flowers_white.gif

  8. Fish oil really helps with dry skin; don't think it has any effect on shedding.


    I use a rubber curry comb I had left over from owning horses when I was [much] younger, and that works great.



    I also use a curry comb, works great also use a horse face brush after currying. My two's shedding is terrible this year. I got two huge piles of fur off them yesterday, and what does Abel do.... He goes outside and lays in his pile of hair, silly boy lol.gif

  9. I know you don't like the stuff that goes between their shoulders. I use Advantage, I buy the one for weight over 55 lbs. and split a tube between both dogs, they are 63 lbs. and 75 lbs. that way they aren't getting it full strength. I have been doing this for years and have never seen a flea smile.gif

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