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Posts posted by grey8greys

  1. I have never met Dr. Couto, but e-mailed him about my girl Flossie when she was diagnosed with Chondrosarcoma of the rib, which is cancer of the cartlidge. First she was diagnosed with Osteo but a second set of x-rays. 3 months later showed Chondrosarcoma that is when I e-mailed him. He was very helpful and very quick on answering my e-mail. This all started back in Sept. Dr. Couto said the Flossie's type of cancer is not very common in Greyhounds and is a very slow moving cancer. Flossie is doing fine. I just keep an eye on her every move. I think it is wonderful for all that he does for these Greythounds and would love to meet him :)

  2. You could also try Metamucil, I give one capsule. You can open the capsule and mix it in with the chicken & rice. As far as kibble I use ProPlan for Sensitive Skin & Stomach. This is the original formula, has not changed and according to the ProPlan representitive they don't plan on changing it. My girls do very well on it. Hope your boy feels better soon :)

  3. We walk every morning for about a 1/2 hr. before I leave for work, I put fleece coats on the girls if it is below 32 degrees and/or windy. and they are fine. I find, if I bundle them up to much they won't do there business, they just play around. In the evening we just go out into the yard no coats, they pee, poop and sometimes run around, usually back in the house in 15 mins. Weekends we go to the park and walk maybe an hour. For these longer walks I put their heavier coats on and they are fine.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about Ember, I started to cry as soon as soon as I saw this thread :( I don't know of another man who loved his companion as much as you. Ember had the best Daddy, and was so loved :wub: She is running free now :f_pink

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