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Posts posted by grey8greys

  1. My Heart is broken. Yesterday I had to let my beautiful girl go. This past year she has lived with cancer and it finally took over. Flossie was my companion, travel partner, walking buddy, sleeping partner, best friend, we did everything together. She was the world to me and I will miss her dearly. Godspeed my sweet girl.






  2. i have visions of the poop coming out already packaged and neatly wrapped in a layer of rubber.


    slightly off topic, have you ever tried fastening a condom over the tap in the bathtub and filling it with water? it is amazing how much water it will hold without bursting. isn't science wonderful :D


    Is this from a personal experiment?




    I have tried this experiment, the condom almost filled the whole tub :lol:lol:lol

  3. Flossie was an only dog for 5 yrs. she was fine, I worked a full time job away from home. When I would come home we spent a lot of quality time together. Going for walks, Meet & Greets, the park, car rides, playing and of course cuddle time. 2 1/2 yrs ago I adopted Kerri, she was a bounce after being an only dog for 4 yrs in her previous home. They both get along fine. I think Flossie could care less if she was by her self, but I think Kerri would be lonely if Flossie wasn't around. Flossie is the leader and Kerri is the follower :)

  4. Hi, Flossie was diagnosed with osteosarcoma of the rib last Sept. I noticed a small bump on her right rib right behind her leg. The Vet gave her 4 months to live with pain management. By Nov. Flossie seemed to be getting better and not worse. I took her for a second set of x-rays and seccond opinion from Univ of Penn, they said it was chondrosarcoma of the rib and a very slow moving cancer. She was doing fine until May and then she started to limp on her right leg, I had her checked again and what the Vet told me was, the cancer is now working into her rib bone and the movement of walking is painful. She doesn't limp all the time but I notice it after a long walk. She is on Rimadyl and Tramadol for pain. She has slowed down lately and rarely trots or runs in the yard. She eats well and enjoys her walks, we just walk slower and shorter. She is a happy girl and is 10 1/2 yrs old. I e-mailed Dr. Couto and he told me that chondrosarcoma was not very common in greyhounds and it is a slow moving cancer. I don't know how long Flossie will be with me but we take every day as it comes and I love on her all the time :wub: Praying for your pup :hope

  5. Flossie had a partial torn ACL and she healed fine. What we did was, 8 weeks crate rest, leash walk only to potty, no jumping on the furniture, no playing around in the house, no steps, no getting in and out of the van. I crated her when I was at work and let her out when I was home. After 8 weeks she could take walks again, but no running for another 4 weeks. It took 12 weeks altogether and felt like forever, but she has not had a problem since. I think she was around 5 yrs old and now she is 10 :) I do have both my dogs on supplements, Joint Health and Fresh Factors from Springtime Inc. Rest is the most important thing.

  6. Kerri had 22 teeth pulled before I adopted her, she was 7 1/2 yrs old. She has no problem with eating, I soak her kibble in warm water and add some goodies. I give her cookies, they are hard but the kind that crumble easily. She's been with me for two years and hasn't lost any more teeth, but her last dental in Nov, the Vet told me she would probably loose a few the next dental. Most of her missing teeth are on the sides, she has her back teeth a few of the little front ones and her canines.

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